
Showing posts from May, 2019

12 Foods to Avoid Like Fire If You Want to Unclog Your Arteries

When it comes to heart health, you might already know that eating healthy and avoiding junk food is a good place to start, but it can be more complicated than you think. Plenty of foods that you enjoy every day, even foods that are otherwise healthy for you, might actually be doing a lot of damage to your heart. Because of this, it is always important to be aware of both what you should avoid and why you should avoid it.

9 Hollywood Actresses Who Did Hardcore Training for a Role, and Their Work Deserves Admiration

How much time does it take an actress to prepare for a difficult role that requires them to be as strong as an athlete? According to the interviews of Hollywood stars, 4-6-hour workouts 5-6 times per week is a completely normal thing for someone who wants to portray a soldier or a warrior. For some people, the result is in muscle mass: for example, Tessa Thompson had to gain around 15 lbs.

20 Times Our Pets Were Complete Jerks but Made Us Smile Anyway

Those of us who have pets know this simple truth: no matter how cute and innocent our furry friends may look, they can just as well be naughty from time to time. Be those cats, dogs, and even parrots all get us into trouble at least once in a lifetime. Tearing wallpaper, destroying furniture and flowers, and even terrorizing their siblings — these are just a few crimes that people are catching their pets doing on a daily basis.

15+ Angelic Celebrity Kids We Couldn’t Stop Gazing at If We Tried

Charm is probably in the genes because there’s no other way to explain why celebrities have kids that are no less charismatic than their parents. They’re so gorgeous that it’s just impossible not to fall in love with them at first sight!

Which “Game of Thrones” Actor Made the Most Money for the Show (It’s Not Daenerys and Not Even Jon Snow)

Game of Thrones became such an iconic show that even though it finished a week ago, people are still talking about it. The finale was really divisive and controversial, and you probably know that some fans were actually so unsatisfied with season 8 that they created a petition for reshooting the final season and the author of the books, George Martin, promised that the end of the book saga would be different from the show. But one thing we can still talk about are the financial results of the show.

20 Hysterical Times Cows Thought They Were Dogs. Now Imagine Their Owners’ Lives

If you think you know a lot about cows, think again. There are plenty of fun facts about these farmyard animals. They have nearly 360-degree panoramic vision, they become pregnant for 9 months at a time just like people do, and they spend 8 hours a day eating, 8 hours chewing cud, and another 8 hours sleeping. But most importantly, studies have shown that they “are social animals who have shown emotional intelligence” just like our favorite furry friends who we let into our homes on a daily basis.

10 Celebrities Whose Parents Were Also Famous Once

Who do celebrities inherit their talents from? Of course, from their parents! As it turns out, there are more celebrity families in Hollywood than you think, it’s just that stars don’t always like to talk about it.

A Guy From Canada Makes Fascinating Art Installations Out of Plastic to Show the Threat Our Planet Is Facing

The unique thing about Benjamin Von Wong’s works is that he uses truckloads of plastic straws, bottles, and cups in his installations to show how real and huge the problem of plastic pollution is. He shares behind-the-stage pictures, and we are surprised with how much effort it takes to bring his ideas to life. We hope that these art projects will open your eyes to how much the ocean needs us.

What 16 Actors From Superhero Movies of Our Childhood Look Like Today

Nowadays, when a new Avengers, Venom, or Doctor Strange movie is released, it is hard to even get tickets before they sell out because of the popularity of Marvel superheroes. But when we were children, we had different characters to admire. Walker and Xena were our idols and we wished we had their superpowers.

20+ Cat Photos That Opened Our Hearts

If a mood-o-meter existed, it would definitely start to go off-scale after looking through this article. All because it is simply impossible to look at kitties and to not become more joyful than before. The cat on the Iron Throne and a sparkling galactic cat are our favorites.

30 Teen Crushes You Probably Had in the 2000s and How They’ve Changed

In the 2000s, when we were teens, there were so many cool movies, TV shows, singers, and bands, that it was almost impossible to not fall in love with someone. All those romantic plots and love songs would give us goosebumps, make us have butterflies in our stomachs, and dream about meeting someone special. And the standards were certainly set high — our favorite guys and girls we saw on TV were just perfect!

25 Astounding Times Genetics Showed Its Might

When we hear the word “genes”, we immediately think about something scientific. But you don’t need to grab a textbook on biology to understand genetics — we’ll help you see their power in another way. Once you take a look at the photos below, it will all become quite clear.

15 Brilliant Tips To Live By When You’re On Vacation

Dishonest people are always trying to take advantage of tourists and if you are not careful, it’s easier to become a victim than you may think. These tips will help you save money and time and stay safe while exploring the world. Generally speaking, these tricks will help make it a little bit easier to avoid unwanted surprises and get the most out of your vacation.

9 Psychological Tricks Starbucks Uses. Now You Know About Them Too

Today, millions of people think of Starbucks when they hear the word, “coffee”. In the past, it was just a regular store but over time, it has somehow turned into a global network that increases its sales every day. Of course, this place has good coffee but how do they manage to attract so many people to their cafes? There’s no magic to it — everything is logical. They just employ a few clever marketing tricks to get your attention.

12 Types of Planks for Each Muscle Group That Can Replace a Gym Membership

Most of the time, fitness coaches teach the classic variant of planks on elbows or on straight arms. They consider this static exercise to be great for stamina and for improving the abs. But as it turns out, the plank has dozens of variations that can involve almost every part of the body including the back, buttocks, calves, shoulders, and different muscles. The training itself can be very dynamic.

20+ Photos Proving That Dogs Have Their Own Kind of Logic

Barking news: dog owners spend more time taking photos of their pets than actually walking them. And there is no wonder why — sometimes our furry friends can act in such a ridiculous way that all we can do is to bring a camera and make a funny shot of them.

Take a Look at 28 Celebs in Their Prom Photos (Spoiler Alert: Young Jennifer Aniston Is Adorable)

Celebs seem to be untouchable and impeccable while posing in magnificent outfits on the red carpet. But they, as well as other people, have gone to school, endured life lessons, made friends, fallen in love, and had fun at their prom.

An Australian Mom Found a Smart Way to Convince Her Son to Eat Vegetables and Became World Famous

Once, a woman from Melbourne, Laleh Mohmedi had an original idea about how to turn her 3-year-old son’s love for book characters into a love for healthy food. Today, her recipes are used by other parents who no longer need to convince their children that they should eat healthy food. Children happily eat these by themselves!

14 People Who Knew Celebrities Once but Just Realized It Now

Imagine your ex starring in a blockbuster movie or an old school friend becoming a rockstar. From one day to another that guy from college might become a Hollywood star. People all over the internet are sharing their stories with celebrities before they became famous, for old times’ sake.

6 Conditions We Often Mistake for Other Diseases

Sometimes we try to be a doctor for ourselves and confuse one disease for another. But in reality, 20% of serious medical conditions are misdiagnosed. Our health should not be taken lightly — it’s one of the most important things in life, so let’s explore some of the diseases that can get overlooked or mistaken for something else.

14 Stunning Details We Totally Missed in the Final Season of “Game of Thrones”

As sad as it is to say, Game of Thrones is over. People may have very different opinions on the ending but everyone agrees that the work the creators did was amazing. They not only left some funny bloopers, but also a lot of interesting references and details.

20+ Adorable Animals That Can Brighten Up Any Grumpy Day

Regardless of the day of the week, the weather, or life’s troubles, you can always give yourself a little warmth, love, and mood boost. All you need to do for it is to communicate with your beloved pet for a few minutes or to caress a stray dog or a cat. However, there is another way — watching cute photos of fluffies guarantees you a brightened day as well.

A Story of the World’s Most Noble Woman Who Had to Buy the Right to Marry From Her Children

In the last years of her life, the name of the noblewoman, Cayetana, Duchess of Alba, appeared in mass media on a regular basis. Some publications literally mocked her: an 85-year-old woman married a man who was 24 years younger! Everyone completely forgot that this woman wasn’t just a scandalous person, she was also Queen Elizabeth’s close friend, a flamenco dancer who managed to restore one of the most beautiful palaces in Madrid, and a woman who’d fallen in love and renounced all treasures for the sake of her own happiness.

25 Astounding Times Genetics Showed Its Might

When we hear the word “genes”, we immediately think about something scientific. But you don’t need to grab a textbook on biology to understand genetics — we’ll help you see their power in another way. Once you take a look at the photos below, it will all become quite clear.

15 Brilliant Tips To Live By When You’re On Vacation

Dishonest people are always trying to take advantage of tourists and if you are not careful, it’s easier to become a victim than you may think. These tips will help you save money and time and stay safe while exploring the world. Generally speaking, these tricks will help make it a little bit easier to avoid unwanted surprises and get the most out of your vacation.

9 Psychological Tricks Starbucks Uses. Now You Know About Them Too

Today, millions of people think of Starbucks when they hear the word, “coffee”. In the past, it was just a regular store but over time, it has somehow turned into a global network that increases its sales every day. Of course, this place has good coffee but how do they manage to attract so many people to their cafes? There’s no magic to it — everything is logical. They just employ a few clever marketing tricks to get your attention.

12 Types of Planks for Each Muscle Group That Can Replace a Gym Membership

Most of the time, fitness coaches teach the classic variant of planks on elbows or on straight arms. They consider this static exercise to be great for stamina and for improving the abs. But as it turns out, the plank has dozens of variations that can involve almost every part of the body including the back, buttocks, calves, shoulders, and different muscles. The training itself can be very dynamic.

20+ Photos Proving That Dogs Have Their Own Kind of Logic

Barking news: dog owners spend more time taking photos of their pets than actually walking them. And there is no wonder why — sometimes our furry friends can act in such a ridiculous way that all we can do is to bring a camera and make a funny shot of them.

Take a Look at 28 Celebs in Their Prom Photos (Spoiler Alert: Young Jennifer Aniston Is Adorable)

Celebs seem to be untouchable and impeccable while posing in magnificent outfits on the red carpet. But they, as well as other people, have gone to school, endured life lessons, made friends, fallen in love, and had fun at their prom.

An Australian Mom Found a Smart Way to Convince Her Son to Eat Vegetables and Became World Famous

Once, a woman from Melbourne, Laleh Mohmedi had an original idea about how to turn her 3-year-old son’s love for book characters into a love for healthy food. Today, her recipes are used by other parents who no longer need to convince their children that they should eat healthy food. Children happily eat these by themselves!

14 People Who Knew Celebrities Once but Just Realized It Now

Imagine your ex starring in a blockbuster movie or an old school friend becoming a rockstar. From one day to another that guy from college might become a Hollywood star. People all over the internet are sharing their stories with celebrities before they became famous, for old times’ sake.

6 Conditions We Often Mistake for Other Diseases

Sometimes we try to be a doctor for ourselves and confuse one disease for another. But in reality, 20% of serious medical conditions are misdiagnosed. Our health should not be taken lightly — it’s one of the most important things in life, so let’s explore some of the diseases that can get overlooked or mistaken for something else.

14 Stunning Details We Totally Missed in the Final Season of “Game of Thrones”

As sad as it is to say, Game of Thrones is over. People may have very different opinions on the ending but everyone agrees that the work the creators did was amazing. They not only left some funny bloopers, but also a lot of interesting references and details.

20+ Adorable Animals That Can Brighten Up Any Grumpy Day

Regardless of the day of the week, the weather, or life’s troubles, you can always give yourself a little warmth, love, and mood boost. All you need to do for it is to communicate with your beloved pet for a few minutes or to caress a stray dog or a cat. However, there is another way — watching cute photos of fluffies guarantees you a brightened day as well.

A Story of the World’s Most Noble Woman Who Had to Buy the Right to Marry From Her Children

In the last years of her life, the name of the noblewoman, Cayetana, Duchess of Alba, appeared in mass media on a regular basis. Some publications literally mocked her: an 85-year-old woman married a man who was 24 years younger! Everyone completely forgot that this woman wasn’t just a scandalous person, she was also Queen Elizabeth’s close friend, a flamenco dancer who managed to restore one of the most beautiful palaces in Madrid, and a woman who’d fallen in love and renounced all treasures for the sake of her own happiness.

A Woman From Russia Moved to Seoul and Spilled the Beans on What It’s Like to Live in South Korea

Is it easy for a foreign woman to live in South Korea? Blogger Svetlana Song shows us that there’s nothing impossible! She was born and raised in Yakutsk and at the age of 16, she came to study in Vladivostok where she met her future husband. Today, Svetlana lives in Seoul, South Korea and tells her subscribers all about her everyday life there.

What 24 of Your Favorite ’80s and ’90s TV Stars Look Like Today

Movies and TV shows from the ’80s and ’90s will forever be in our hearts. The whole generation grew up with shows like Full House, girls were glued to their TV screens to hear all about Clarissa Darling’s life, and the world collectively worried for Rachel and Ross’s relationship for an entire decade. It’s been about 40 years since the ’80s and 30 years since the ’90s, and if you saw some of your favorite actors from that era today, you probably wouldn’t even recognize them.

20 Quick-Witted People Who Prove Simplicity Is Genius

Scientists have proven that less than 1% of people can be called a genius. But we disagree with these results and believe that each person can find genius solutions and change millions of lives. Each day people around us invent absolutely fantastic things that can make all our lives easier.

An Artist Makes Clever Illustrations for the “Same” Words We All Confuse, and They’re Too Cool Not to Share

No matter whether you’re a native English speaker or not, you probably face some spelling problems from time to time. And even today, with the use of autocorrect and various spell-checkers, we still repeat the same little mistakes over and over again. To make your writing better, Bruce Worden created a blog called Homophones, Weakly. In this blog, Worden posts funny minimalistic illustrations showing English words that look the same, sound the same, or are otherwise easily confused.

What Disney Princesses Would Look Like as Teenagers

It’s true, some princesses were teenagers when their movies came out, but we’ve been wondering how these girls would look today at the same young age. Aurora would’ve traded in her color-changing ball gown for a miniskirt, Snow White would’ve ditched the apple for a smartphone, and Jasmine would’ve been seen rolling in on a skateboard instead of a magic carpet. Want to see what we’re talking about?

These 11 Gorgeous Dog Breeds Are on the Edge of Extinction, and We Are Barking Mad

They’re as cute as they come, but that isn’t enough for these pups to get off of the “breeds at risk” list. Their records show that once loved and protected, some of these breeds have lost momentum. Less of them are born each year, putting them at risk of disappearing entirely.

France Has Banned Smartphones in Schools for Children Under 15

Scientists have been researching the effects of smartphones on young brains for a long time now. Many would welcome a ban on smartphones by schools, but experts disagree on whether students would actually benefit from it. Mobile devices can be distracting and also cause emotional stress. However, smartphones are also efficient tools that can enhance pupils’ learning experiences.

12 Foods to Avoid Like Fire If You Want to Unclog Your Arteries

When it comes to heart health, you might already know that eating healthy and avoiding junk food is a good place to start, but it can be more complicated than you think. Plenty of foods that you enjoy every day, even foods that are otherwise healthy for you, might actually be doing a lot of damage to your heart. Because of this, it is always important to be aware of both what you should avoid and why you should avoid it.

France Has Banned Smartphones in Schools for Children Under 15

Scientists have been researching the effects of smartphones on young brains for a long time now. Many would welcome a ban on smartphones by schools, but experts disagree on whether students would actually benefit from it. Mobile devices can be distracting and also cause emotional stress. However, smartphones are also efficient tools that can enhance pupils’ learning experiences.

9 Hollywood Actresses Who Did Hardcore Training for a Role, and Their Work Deserves Admiration

How much time does it take an actress to prepare for a difficult role that requires them to be as strong as an athlete? According to the interviews of Hollywood stars, 4-6-hour workouts 5-6 times per week is a completely normal thing for someone who wants to portray a soldier or a warrior. For some people, the result is in muscle mass: for example, Tessa Thompson had to gain around 15 lbs.

20 Times Our Pets Were Complete Jerks but Made Us Smile Anyway

Those of us who have pets know this simple truth: no matter how cute and innocent our furry friends may look, they can just as well be naughty from time to time. Be those cats, dogs, and even parrots all get us into trouble at least once in a lifetime. Tearing wallpaper, destroying furniture and flowers, and even terrorizing their siblings — these are just a few crimes that people are catching their pets doing on a daily basis.

Which “Game of Thrones” Actor Made the Most Money for the Show (It’s Not Daenerys and Not Even Jon Snow)

Game of Thrones became such an iconic show that even though it finished a week ago, people are still talking about it. The finale was really divisive and controversial, and you probably know that some fans were actually so unsatisfied with season 8 that they created a petition for reshooting the final season and the author of the books, George Martin, promised that the end of the book saga would be different from the show. But one thing we can still talk about are the financial results of the show.

20 Hysterical Times Cows Thought They Were Dogs. Now Imagine Their Owners’ Lives

If you think you know a lot about cows, think again. There are plenty of fun facts about these farmyard animals. They have nearly 360-degree panoramic vision, they become pregnant for 9 months at a time just like people do, and they spend 8 hours a day eating, 8 hours chewing cud, and another 8 hours sleeping. But most importantly, studies have shown that they “are social animals who have shown emotional intelligence” just like our favorite furry friends who we let into our homes on a daily basis.

10 Celebrities Whose Parents Were Also Famous Once

Who do celebrities inherit their talents from? Of course, from their parents! As it turns out, there are more celebrity families in Hollywood than you think, it’s just that stars don’t always like to talk about it.

A Guy From Canada Makes Fascinating Art Installations Out of Plastic to Show the Threat Our Planet Is Facing

The unique thing about Benjamin Von Wong’s works is that he uses truckloads of plastic straws, bottles, and cups in his installations to show how real and huge the problem of plastic pollution is. He shares behind-the-stage pictures, and we are surprised with how much effort it takes to bring his ideas to life. We hope that these art projects will open your eyes to how much the ocean needs us.