
Showing posts from October, 2019

25+ Excessive Packaging Examples That Are Pure Evil

Pre-cracked eggs, individually wrapped chips, 50 feet of paper for one bag of kitty litter, or a big box for a single tiny battery — it`s just mind-blowing how much packaging we use for even the tiniest things. The most egregious examples of unnecessary packaging that we found on the web give us a nervous tic.

Why Kids Can Be Little Devils With Their Mothers and Sweet Angels With Everyone Else

Your kid is being a nicest baby ever with their daddy, their granny, at daycare, on the playground, or anywhere else, but when you come around it’s the start of an endless tantrum. If this sounds familiar and if you keep asking yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” stop torturing yourself: it’s not about you. Kids have their reasons, and these reasons are actually good.

11 Double Standards That Are Ruining Our Lives

A double standard is not just a term. It is the injustice, discrimination, and pain that our society brings to people. Unfortunately, prejudgment is common in our everyday life and it affects us in a terrible way.

11 Reasons Why the World Can’t Stop Adoring Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth was once named the sexiest man alive, and his performance as Thor in various Marvel movies has mesmerized audiences. But there’s more to this Aussie than meets the eye, that can make you go gaga over him.

10 Psychological Tricks That Can Help You Find the Key to Anyone

Even if we’re unique in our own way, we share the same human nature. It allows us to create bonds with other people and more importantly, discover the hacks for their way of thinking. Taking advantage of what we all already have inside, it’s possible to influence others’ decisions and opinions about us and situations.

How an Unknown Girl From Paris Got the Most Kissed Lips in History

No one knows the real name of this beautiful girl or what she was doing in Paris. Her body was taken out of the dark waters of the River Seine at the end of the 19th century, and that was just the beginning of her incredible story. It may sound unbelievable, but the unknown girl from the Seine ended up having the most kissed lips ever, became part of medical history, and helped save thousands of lives, centuries after her own death.

According to a Study, You Could Meet Your Future Love on Your Next Flight

What will your next crush be like? Will they have a dark or light eye color? Will they be funny or stand out for being serious? They might be fit or may not worry too much about their fitness. They may enjoy movies, books, music, or perhaps be really into sports. Unfortunately, we don’t have the answers to these questions. But apart from what your next crush will be like, a study has revealed that they might be waiting for you on your next flight.

5 Reasons Why People May Look for Dominant Partners

While women’s empowerment is being embraced all over the world, some ladies would still love to have a dominant partner. Research claims that girls are raised in such a way that they subconsciously respond sexually to a partner who takes charge and makes all the decisions. Many of us aren’t even aware that we’re attracting dominant partners and personality plays a significant role here.

18 Photos That Prove Cats Never Get Tired of Trolling Humans

Cats spend 70% of their life sleeping, the rest of the time they spend being naughty. Anyway, we tend to forgive them for any mischievous or bold thing they do, while their funny faces keep making us smile no matter what mood we are in. Whether it’s a stolen sausage or a cat spotted inside luggage at airport security, the characters from our article will make you laugh your heads off.

Here’s What Our Favorite Actors Who Left “Grey’s Anatomy” Are Doing Now

There are TV series that will forever go down in history as a “must see” and Grey’s Anatomy is one of them. With no less than 15 seasons on air, this series and its iconic characters managed to win the hearts of millions of fans from all over the world.

20 Sculptures Whose Stories Remind Us About What Matters Most

There are sculptures you walk past and instantly forget that they even exist. But also, there are those that become really memorable. We think about them often, we look for the secret meaning in them, and we try to understand what the sculptor meant. Art goes beyond facts and statistics, this is why it can attract the attention of millions of people to the problems we don’t discuss often enough.

How to Find Your Most Fertile Days and 5 Signs You Have a Problem With Ovulation

The time of your fertile window can be very unpredictable when looking at your cycle. About 30% of women have it between 10th and 17th day. Some women reach this period much later and others much earlier. Aside from this, you can also ovulate more than once during a cycle.

20 Photos for Those Who Always Say “I’ve Seen Everything”

As soon as internet users see something unusual, they grab their smartphones, like cowboys grab their guns, so we can enjoy the photos of a cloud that looks like an egg, a fireproof echidna, and an endless sausage. They don’t look real, but they do actually exist.

11 Life Hacks That Can Turn You Into a Typing Guru

The first commercial typewriter was created in 1868, more than 150 years ago. This invention changed the world and now it’s an essential part of our everyday lives. The world record for typing the English alphabet from A to Z is now 1.36 seconds. Just imagine how much time you could save if you could type just as fast!

A Dad Talks to His Baby in the Womb. When She Is Born, Her Reaction to His Voice Is One of the Sweetest Things Ever

They say that babies don’t remember much when they’re born. They can’t see very well and they are very fragile, but babies can recognize sounds when they’re in the womb. And if you don’t believe in science, this heart-warming story of a Brazilian couple will probably encourage every future parent to speak to their babies during pregnancy.

10 Daily Routines From Japanese Women That Can Help You Look and Feel Years Younger

Women from Japan beat all the records when it comes to looking decades younger than their real age. Some of them look so young that you can’t even figure out who’s who when you look at their mother-daughter photographs. If you think it’s all about genes and climate, you may be surprised to learn that there are things you can do to feel and look much younger.

20+ People Who Just Wanted a Tasty Meal, but It Didn’t Pan Out

Having a meal is an important part of our lives. People in the US eat out about 5-6 times a week. But none of us are safe from the absurd events that can happen around meal time: you may be surprised if you buy a frozen pizza at the supermarket, if you order a meal on the internet, or even if you go to a Michelin-starred restaurant.

15+ Ordinary People Who Have Unusual Superpowers

The human body is an absolutely unique thing — the nose can detect a trillion smells, the liver can regenerate itself, and thumbs have their own pulse. But despite the fact that we all have these body features, there are some people who are gifted with even more incredible physical talents that might seem to us like real superpowers.

9 Reasons Why Women May Feel Better If They Stop Wearing Bras

From causing saggy breasts, skin irritation, and pressure lines around the body to costing a lot of money, bras might not be as harmless as they seem. Whether they’re push-ups, lace, sports or strapless bras, they all come with varying levels of discomfort. Social norms and our own habits might make us wear bras on a daily basis, but it seems like sometimes rules can be broken for your own comfort.

Dream Job Alert: a Company Is Gonna Pay You $1,000 If You Watch 30 Disney Movies

They say that finding a job while sitting on the couch and watching TV all day long is impossible. We say that sitting on the couch and watching TV is actually a job. All you have to do is prove that you are the biggest Disney fan in the world. And then you’ll find yourself watching Toy Story or Monsters University or anything else, feeling the warmth of easy money in your hands. For many of us, this sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

14 People Decided to Find Out What They’d Look Like With Perfect Appearances, and We Gave Them a Little Help

In the modern world, plastic surgery has become a regular procedure, just like getting a manicure or a pedicure. Even Time called it the “new makeup.” However, this is still surgery and not everyone is brave enough to do it. But in order to have a different appearance, you don’t have to undergo surgery — modern photo-editing software can help anyone see what they’d look like with a different face.

Why One Sibling Might Be Sure They Have a Toxic Parent While the Other Disagrees

Having a toxic parent can hurt someone in more ways than one. And it doesn’t just hurt them, but also their relationship with others. Not everyone is capable of recognizing an unhealthy family atmosphere and that’s why a lot of siblings don’t have the best relationships.

30-Second Tests That’ll Show if You Have a Healthy Body

The risk of getting sick increases drastically as we grow old and our immune system becomes weaker, according to doctors. While it is recommended that you get a full physical check-up every 2 years, here are some quick tests you can try at home for your own peace of mind. These will only take about 30 seconds and let you know if everything is okay with your body or not.

Here’s What Our Favorite Actors Who Left “Grey’s Anatomy” Are Doing Now

There are TV series that will forever go down in history as a “must see” and Grey’s Anatomy is one of them. With no less than 15 seasons on air, this series and its iconic characters managed to win the hearts of millions of fans from all over the world.

20 Sculptures Whose Stories Remind Us About What Matters Most

There are sculptures you walk past and instantly forget that they even exist. But also, there are those that become really memorable. We think about them often, we look for the secret meaning in them, and we try to understand what the sculptor meant. Art goes beyond facts and statistics, this is why it can attract the attention of millions of people to the problems we don’t discuss often enough.

How to Find Your Most Fertile Days and 5 Signs You Have a Problem With Ovulation

The time of your fertile window can be very unpredictable when looking at your cycle. About 30% of women have it between 10th and 17th day. Some women reach this period much later and others much earlier. Aside from this, you can also ovulate more than once during a cycle.

20 Photos for Those Who Always Say “I’ve Seen Everything”

As soon as internet users see something unusual, they grab their smartphones, like cowboys grab their guns, so we can enjoy the photos of a cloud that looks like an egg, a fireproof echidna, and an endless sausage. They don’t look real, but they do actually exist.

11 Life Hacks That Can Turn You Into a Typing Guru

The first commercial typewriter was created in 1868, more than 150 years ago. This invention changed the world and now it’s an essential part of our everyday lives. The world record for typing the English alphabet from A to Z is now 1.36 seconds. Just imagine how much time you could save if you could type just as fast!

A Dad Talks to His Baby in the Womb. When She Is Born, Her Reaction to His Voice Is One of the Sweetest Things Ever

They say that babies don’t remember much when they’re born. They can’t see very well and they are very fragile, but babies can recognize sounds when they’re in the womb. And if you don’t believe in science, this heart-warming story of a Brazilian couple will probably encourage every future parent to speak to their babies during pregnancy.

10 Daily Routines From Japanese Women That Can Help You Look and Feel Years Younger

Women from Japan beat all the records when it comes to looking decades younger than their real age. Some of them look so young that you can’t even figure out who’s who when you look at their mother-daughter photographs. If you think it’s all about genes and climate, you may be surprised to learn that there are things you can do to feel and look much younger.

20+ People Who Just Wanted a Tasty Meal, but It Didn’t Pan Out

Having a meal is an important part of our lives. People in the US eat out about 5-6 times a week. But none of us are safe from the absurd events that can happen around meal time: you may be surprised if you buy a frozen pizza at the supermarket, if you order a meal on the internet, or even if you go to a Michelin-starred restaurant.

15+ Ordinary People Who Have Unusual Superpowers

The human body is an absolutely unique thing — the nose can detect a trillion smells, the liver can regenerate itself, and thumbs have their own pulse. But despite the fact that we all have these body features, there are some people who are gifted with even more incredible physical talents that might seem to us like real superpowers.

9 Reasons Why Women May Feel Better If They Stop Wearing Bras

From causing saggy breasts, skin irritation, and pressure lines around the body to costing a lot of money, bras might not be as harmless as they seem. Whether they’re push-ups, lace, sports or strapless bras, they all come with varying levels of discomfort. Social norms and our own habits might make us wear bras on a daily basis, but it seems like sometimes rules can be broken for your own comfort.

Dream Job Alert: a Company Is Gonna Pay You $1,000 If You Watch 30 Disney Movies

They say that finding a job while sitting on the couch and watching TV all day long is impossible. We say that sitting on the couch and watching TV is actually a job. All you have to do is prove that you are the biggest Disney fan in the world. And then you’ll find yourself watching Toy Story or Monsters University or anything else, feeling the warmth of easy money in your hands. For many of us, this sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

14 People Decided to Find Out What They’d Look Like With Perfect Appearances, and We Gave Them a Little Help

In the modern world, plastic surgery has become a regular procedure, just like getting a manicure or a pedicure. Even Time called it the “new makeup.” However, this is still surgery and not everyone is brave enough to do it. But in order to have a different appearance, you don’t have to undergo surgery — modern photo-editing software can help anyone see what they’d look like with a different face.

22 Movies From the 90’s Whose Production Will Always Be Remembered in Hollywood

The 1990s are rightfully called the golden decade of cinema. The movie industry would spend millions of dollars on actors and special effects, and independent studios were not afraid of dealing with very serious topics. Every year, the movies we still rewatch every now and then were released on the big screen. But during the production of many of those films, the directors often had arguments with the owners of studios, actors had to make sacrifices for their roles, and the entire film crew was under the pressure of the viewer’s expectations and someone else’s ambitions. And sometimes, there was a story from before the start of the shooting process that could change the entire perception of the film.

What a Sandwich Generation Is, and How to Cope With the Pressure If You Belong to It

Here it goes again. You wake up in the morning and thoughts are running through your head: visiting your elderly parents and bringing them some medication, picking up kids from school, cleaning the house, and yes, working in the office on top of that. You are “sandwiched” between your parents and kids, and your responsibilities are piling up day by day. It may feel like you got stuck in Groundhog Day, but there are ways to lower your stress.

20 Photos Where the Angle Plays a Major Role

There are some photos that can literally make your brain wiggle and crack. We’re talking about the ones where the angle and perspective join together and create brain teasers that might take you a couple of minutes (or even hours) to understand what’s happening in them. An invisible straw, levitating dogs and people, and missing arms are only a part of today’s collection.

What Happened to These 15 Iconic Actors Who Never Found Their Place in Hollywood

The competition among actors is incredibly high! Every day, Hollywood is bombarded with hundreds of young, talented people that hope to be movie stars. More and more new faces appear on the big screen and we don’t always notice when once-iconic actors become less and less popular. After all, it’s been quite some time since we last heard of Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Jennifer Love Hewitt.

15 Things We Need to Buy in Mass Quantities

Bulk-buying is almost always cheaper per unit, the difference might be only pennies, but they add up very quickly if you use a certain product often. Something even more notable is that it stops you from making trips to the store too often, which combats impulse buys! However, it is important to know which items are the right ones to buy in large quantities.

20 Pictures That Scream Why Nature Is Tired of People

Art about the environment began to gain popularity as long as 50 years ago and today, it’s still one of the most effective ways to reach people. After all, we do know that it’s better to see something once rather than to hear it 100 times. We’ve all learned about climate change, water pollution, and deforestation but when we see this cruel truth with our own eyes, we can understand why it’s so important and see how exactly nature suffers at the hands of people.

10 Warning Signs for Parents Who Want to Have a Healthy Child

Small children are very controversial creatures. One child, that only weighs about 10 pounds can easily drive 2 adult people crazy. And at the same time, babies are extremely fragile. There are dangers lurking around every corner. Sometimes, there are dangers in places we would never even think of.

6 Reasons to Stop Buying Mass-Market Clothes

A study conducted by Patatam, a sustainable French fashion brand, found that every fifth woman living in Great Britain feels guilty while buying new clothes and 64% of the respondents have claimed that they’re ready to buy second-hand items. It seems that second-hand stores have become more and more popular today. “Fast fashion” is a phenomenon that has had a great impact on this. There are tons of stores like Zara, H&M, and Topshop, where the clothes they sell are cheap, nice, and are meant to be worn for just one season. But are these clothes as good as manufacturers say they are?

12 Actresses Who Were Rejected for Being “Too Old” and Many of Them Aren’t Even 50

It’s no secret that the fear of aging and being left out from life’s opportunities is a dilemma that affects a large part of the world’s population. And it’s also known that the media industry doesn’t help us to think otherwise. Although times are changing, the truth is that we still have a long road ahead of us to prevent high beauty standards and stereotypes from harming actresses who, as they grow old, begin to notice how their job offers start declining.

7 Fashion Mistakes That Can Cramp Your Style

From picking accessories to choosing your attire, it’s easy to make small mistakes that can ruin all your efforts to look classy. On the other hand, if your entire outfit is chosen correctly, it can make you a show-stopper.

Why Kids Can Be Little Devils With Their Mothers and Sweet Angels With Everyone Else

Your kid is being a nicest baby ever with their daddy, their granny, at daycare, on the playground, or anywhere else, but when you come around it’s the start of an endless tantrum. If this sounds familiar and if you keep asking yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” stop torturing yourself: it’s not about you. Kids have their reasons, and these reasons are actually good.

Dream Job Alert: a Company Is Gonna Pay You $1,000 If You Watch 30 Disney Movies

They say that finding a job while sitting on the couch and watching TV all day long is impossible. We say that sitting on the couch and watching TV is actually a job. All you have to do is prove that you are the biggest Disney fan in the world. And then you’ll find yourself watching Toy Story or Monsters University or anything else, feeling the warmth of easy money in your hands. For many of us, this sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

14 People Decided to Find Out What They’d Look Like With Perfect Appearances, and We Gave Them a Little Help

In the modern world, plastic surgery has become a regular procedure, just like getting a manicure or a pedicure. Even Time called it the “new makeup.” However, this is still surgery and not everyone is brave enough to do it. But in order to have a different appearance, you don’t have to undergo surgery — modern photo-editing software can help anyone see what they’d look like with a different face.

22 Movies From the 90’s Whose Production Will Always Be Remembered in Hollywood

The 1990s are rightfully called the golden decade of cinema. The movie industry would spend millions of dollars on actors and special effects, and independent studios were not afraid of dealing with very serious topics. Every year, the movies we still rewatch every now and then were released on the big screen. But during the production of many of those films, the directors often had arguments with the owners of studios, actors had to make sacrifices for their roles, and the entire film crew was under the pressure of the viewer’s expectations and someone else’s ambitions. And sometimes, there was a story from before the start of the shooting process that could change the entire perception of the film.

What a Sandwich Generation Is, and How to Cope With the Pressure If You Belong to It

Here it goes again. You wake up in the morning and thoughts are running through your head: visiting your elderly parents and bringing them some medication, picking up kids from school, cleaning the house, and yes, working in the office on top of that. You are “sandwiched” between your parents and kids, and your responsibilities are piling up day by day. It may feel like you got stuck in Groundhog Day, but there are ways to lower your stress.