
Showing posts from February, 2022

28 Parents’ Tweets Show Life With Kids Is Never Gray

Living with kids is like riding a roller coaster. You never know what unexpected turns you’ll take each and every day. At times, you could have the upper hand, like a boss, and on other days, you’re left utterly clueless. But one thing is for sure, with those little munchkins around, you can kiss boredom goodbye forever.

15 Pics That Prove the Right People Will Always Make You Happy

Spending time with a loved one has always been considered therapeutic, whether with a child, a parent, or a couple of friends. They have the power to lift our spirits and brighten even the gloomiest of days with their unconditional love for us. And the most valuable thing about them is that they adore us without asking for anything in return.Here at Bright Side, we’ve picked some of the greatest ones for you to brighten your day.

15+ Brave Brides Who Got Their Wedding Outfits for Pennies and Looked Stunning

One English tradition says that getting married on a Monday brings health, on a Tuesday brings wealth, while Wednesday is the best day to tie the knot. No matter what, not everyone is ready to wait until wealth favors them. The easiest way to accomplish this is to reconsider your approach to the big day and not overspend funds wherever possible.

10 Psychological Tips to Know If Your Partner Really Loves You

An American survey found that approximately 34% of people claim to have experienced love at first sight. It is universally known that love is the deepest emotion we can feel that requires both compassion and affection. As a result, it is crucial for us to know whether our partner we have invested time in is in love with us. As Bright Side strives to spread love throughout its audience, we decided to share these psychological tips on how to tell if your partner really loves you.

20 People Who Decided to Go Through Old Things and Ended Up Finding True Gems

From childhood, we like to watch movies about treasure hunting. Hoping to find some antique valuables, we continue exploring attics, basements, and old houses in our adult life, asking our parents for more information about this or that find — who it belonged to and why it was used. All because each thing has its own history.

15 People Who Can’t Keep Their Love Inside

Feeling love and spreading it around us is the fuel that makes us go in life. But even though this feeling is vital to all humans, some are born with an abundance of warmth and sensitivity inside them and have the need to express it at every opportunity. These big-hearted people shower strangers with affection as well, as they understand that life without love is like an ocean with no water.

15 People Shared How Their Lives Changed After They Had Plastic Surgery, and It’s Breaking All Stereotypes

Many celebrities are ready to go under the knife in hopes of stopping the clock and looking youthful for longer. But even people who don’t live in the spotlight turn to plastic surgery to finally fix something about their appearance that has bothered them for many years. And although undergoing cosmetic surgery isn’t easy, all these people are happy they took the plunge because their lives have definitely changed for the better.

10 Celebrities Whose Similarities With Their Siblings Can Be Seen From a Mile Away

Siblings share 50% of their DNA, which means they are half identical. No wonder not just their eyes or hair can be similar but also habits and even their way of smiling. Despite the fact that brothers and sisters often look alike, family resemblances can still be striking.

A Woman Decided to Not Let Her Mom Meet Her Newborn, and She Is Furious

Family relationships are always complex and the hardest to deal with since we are taught that family is above everything. However, sometimes parents and kids just can’t communicate in a healthy manner, and that usually goes way back to their childhood. So the question is how do we deal with intimidating parents who make demands and expect us to satisfy them? The choice is always very personal and on many occasions, there are hard decisions that need to be made.

12 Actions That Society Still Stigmatizes Even Though They’re Healthy for the Body and Soul

Comments made by our family members or loved ones are often comforting words for our souls that help us feel a little happier. But sometimes, their words can hurt. They may not perceive something the right way, even if that thing is a totally healthy and beneficial habit for our well-being. Ideas about how to do things are rooted in societal norms, and many of them don’t make sense.

8 Ideas About the Human Body We Never Questioned

Every myth starts with some amount of common-sense logic and a pinch of misinformation. Since people have a tendency to share these falsehoods and present them as scientific facts, we are now surrounded by numerous inaccurate facts about our bodies. Thankfully, scientific research enables us to fact-check those claims.

6 Tricks to Make a Customer Service Robot Connect You to a Real Human

It is estimated that Americans spend a collective 900 million hours on hold every single year. This shows how people still choose phone calls as their preferred contact method for their various customer service issues. However, with so many robots being on the other end of the line, figuring out a solution isn’t always easy. That’s why we need to get creative and use tricks in order to get transferred to a real person.

13 Mandela Effect Examples That Will Make You Question Your Memory

The Mandela effect is a phenomenon that makes us question the most mundane aspects of our day-to-day life. Some people might blame it on alternate realities or parallel universes, but the most rational explanation is that, sometimes, the mind just plays tricks on us. Bright Side found 13 Mandela effect examples that will help you make sense of this fascinating phenomenon.

7 Creative Ways to Save Money When You’re Expecting a Baby

Raising kids is expensive, and while preparing for the birth of a baby is definitely exciting, it comes with a large price tag. There are lots of things many moms-to-be feel are absolutely necessary, but with a little bit of creativity, you can make your pregnancy more budget-friendly.

Debunking Old Beliefs: An Apple a Day Doesn’t Keep the Doctor Away

We’ve been raised to believe many stories that we accepted as fact because our parents or grandparents would tell them as the absolute truth. We’re not saying they lied to us, but these folklore tales stem from outdated science or misinterpretations of it. These myths have been passed down from one generation to the next, and here at Bright Side, we’d like to put an end to that and get things straight.

How Our Favorite TV Detectives Have Changed Since We First Saw Them Onscreen

Our favorite detective series taught us that successful crime investigation is always the result of a team effort. Brave police officers, meticulous forensic experts, private detectives, and, of course, crime consultants with phenomenal memories and even psychic powers, they all come together and work as one to make sure that justice is served.

12 Celebrities Reveal What Career Path They Would Have Taken if They Weren’t Famous

It can be hard to imagine famous actors and music artists doing anything except being in front of the camera or making music. But believe it or not, celebrities like Angelina Jolie and George Clooney actually had different career paths in mind before they were on the big screen.

How the Heroes of Our Favorite Mystery TV Shows Have Changed Over the Years

Whenever everyday life gets predictable and a bit boring, we can re-watch our favorite mystery shows and dive right into the world of the unknown. From ghosts and vampires to aliens and witches, those shows had everything to charm us and keep us glued to the screen until the episode ends. Time goes by and those brave heroes who fought with the supernatural have changed, but they still look gorgeous.

Working Moms Are Happier and Healthier Than Stay-at-Home Moms, Study Finds

For decades, working moms have felt guilty for choosing to have a career and a professional role outside of their household. The supporters of this belief claim that having a job negatively impacts women’s mental health since they were meant to raise their babies and keep a close eye on them instead of working full time. However, science has a totally different take on the matter. A recent study found that working moms are in a mentally better place than stay-at-home moms.

An Artist Illustrates the Everyday Hardships of Being a Wife and Mom That Are So Relatable, We Can’t Help but Smile

Artist Joy Lin from Texas is a stand-up comedian who began as a fan of Catana Comics, and her journey started from there. Not only does Joy have a sense of humor, but her husband does too, so they decided to create daily snippets of their lives in webcomics. The comics are focused on their personal life, but they can also be very relatable to other moms and wives around the world.

20 Pics That Can Help You Start the Day in a Good Mood

You don’t need to over caffeinate yourself when there are much better ways to start off your day. Looking at something cheerful won’t just improve your mood, but it will also make you laugh. And laughter can be highly beneficial to you after all. A bit of serotonin can go a long way to making sure we have a happy and productive day.

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

Bringing a child into the world is the greatest joy in the history of a couple, and although it is most common to have a child between our second and fourth decade, there are occasions when the miracle of life can surprise us in old age. That was the case with Argentinean doctor Alberto Cormillot, who married a woman 48 years younger than him and became a father at the age of 83.

15 People Whose Skillful Hands Bring Breathtaking Crafts to Life

The sum of skilled hands and a vast imagination equals wonderful artistic creations. Luckily for us, the world is full of talented folks who are able to turn any idea into reality. Reddit itself has a number of different communities dedicated to sharing crafts that require skills from woodworking to crocheting. There, you can find countless examples of superb craftmanship that deserve the spotlight.

16 Photos That Show What’s Actually Inside Some Things We All Know Too Well

It seems that an ordinary pregnancy test, Rubik’s Cube, or elevator shaft can’t hide any secrets. Despite the fact that we use many items every day, we rarely think about how exactly they work.

A Woman Made Her Husband Apologize to Her Publicly After He Accused Her of Stealing

One of the most hurtful things someone can do to you is accusing you of something you didn’t do, and even more so, not believing you when you tell them that you are 100% innocent. We’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives, but that feeling of hurt is even bigger when the person accusing you is your partner. Having the one person you’ve chosen to trust with your life mistrusting you can be unbearable to many people.

20+ Times Designers Made People Choke on Their Tea

Some things are too strange to be coincidences. But finding out for what purpose they were brought to our world often becomes a real mission impossible. And we all are left with only one universal question: “Why?”

21 People Whose Day Was Supposed to Be Normal but Took an Unexpected Turn

We’ve all been in situations that left us feeling defeated no matter how small and insignificant they were. But when we run into troubles and experience an unpleasant plot twist, it’s all too easy to fall into a trap of self-pity and lose perspective. That’s why it feels so reassuring to know that you’re not alone and there are people out there who might be having an equally challenging day.

10+ Phrases That Reveal People Who Had a Not-So-Simple Childhood

The demand for the services of psychotherapists keeps growing every year. Alas, not each person is lucky enough to be born with parents who resemble the characters of a book about a happy family. Sometimes mothers and fathers criticize and mock their children, ignore them, or compare them with other siblings.

20 People Who Let Their Creativity Run Free

You don’t have to be Leonardo DaVinci or Frida Kahlo to make a splash in the art world, as the artists in this article show us. Thanks to the Internet, these talented people can showcase their creative endeavors, leaving us more than impressed with the results. Whether they dabble in jewelry making, wood carving, or painting, they all blow our hats off with their sheer talent and originality.

20 Times People Captured Ironic Moments That Can Give You a Good Chuckle

“If there is anything that could go wrong, it will eventually go wrong.” The famous Murphy’s Law never fails to happen, and many of us might find it relatable. It’s no use crying over spilled milk, and sometimes all we can do is laugh and let it go. That’s exactly what these 20 Internet users did.

7 Poses That May Boost Your Confidence... or Make You Look Like It

Facelifts, botox, breast augmentation — we go to extremes to look our best so that we’ll be comfortable in our own skin. And while there’s nothing wrong with these procedures, there are other ways to feel better about ourselves. Fortunately, a Harvard professor, Amy Cuddy, has found a way to train our bodies to change our mindset and boost our confidence by “faking it until we mean it.”

15 People Who Are Against Disposable Items and Buy Things for Life

Many of us have some really old items that we’ve been using for decades, and they still work perfectly. In a world filled with disposable things and products that break just a couple of days after you buy them, knowing that there are items that last a lifetime is simply amazing.

15 People Who Saw Their Expectations Crash and Burn

There are many people and studies saying that the key to happiness and satisfaction is keeping your expectations low. This might sound pessimistic to many of you, but it can also be freeing to others. Starting off with low expectations gives you the opportunity to be surprised and enjoy even the smallest happy moment. Maybe that’s what we should all do when we decide to order things online.

“I Got It Right This Time,” Nicolas Cage Was Divorced 4 Times but Didn’t Give Up on Finding “The One”

Like many people, Nicolas Cage has had his own ups and downs in his relationships. But even though he wasn’t lucky enough to find the one who would stick with him through thick and thin, he hasn’t given up and kept on trying. He’s now on his fifth marriage and believes it could finally be the one that has a happy ending.

15+ People Who Know How to Make Their Loved Ones Cry Happy Tears

Seeing the face of your loved one light up the moment they realize their dream came true is probably the best thing in the world. We can do practically anything for it — even fly across the whole country to give them a puppy or draw an amazing portrait to keep their memories forever.

10 Actors That Appeared in Only a Few Scenes, but Went on to Win Oscars

No matter how little screen time an actor has, it can take as little as 5 minutes to prove that their performance is worthy of an Oscar award. In short, in the development of a story, there are moments and characters that can define everything, and by bringing out the best in their role, they can achieve hypnotic scenes that completely steal the show.

18 Things That Are as Simple as They Are Brilliant

A historic fact says that Egyptians were the first logo designers. Hence from past times, we understand that designs were always an integral part of human evolution. Sometimes, we unexpectedly show our creativity through modest things, in order to make them according to our needs and have them stand apart from rest. It’s not often that things make us scream, “Whoa, that’s pretty cool!” and Bright Side found a few that shouldn’t just remain for our eyes only.

Happiness Shared Is Happiness Doubled and We Found 17 Pics That Prove It

A study concluded that for every negative experience, we have 3 positive ones on any given day. Close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep us happy throughout our lives. Even so, a total stranger across the globe uploads a picture with a short backstory and has the power to make us feel good, even if we’re thousands of miles apart.

6 Natural Ways to Quickly Relieve Acid Reflux

Despite its name, heartburn, also known as acid reflux, has nothing to do with your heart. This common condition is triggered by stomach acids that move up into your esophagus and cause that unpleasant, burning sensation in your chest area. Of course, acid reflux can be treated with medication, but there are also some simple lifestyle changes you can make to alleviate and even prevent it.

20 Photos That Show Every Family Has a Derp Side

Family is a personal island of love, care, and peace but even the most decent families have their funny and crazy side. It could be your traditions for holidays or your older brother who makes fun of every family member. Just enjoy it because things like this are priceless.

19 Tweets Showing That We Should Learn Kindness From Kids

The world would have been a better place if it was exclusively populated with kids. When innocence is still intact and cunning not yet installed, these small, kind-hearted humans are a source of tenderness and compassion, and we’re often in desperate need of them to escape the ruthlessness of life.

13 of the Worst and Funniest Wax Figure Fails

Creating a wax figure that resembles a person to the smallest detail is a very difficult task. That’s why we all appreciate it when artists nail the representations of famous people perfectly. However, the statues can turn out entirely different than their creators intended, and we often end up with figures that look more comical than realistic.

18 Pet-Human Bonds That Will Level Up Your Daily Dose of Serotonin

Cuddling up as you sleep, begging you for attention, posing for photos, and hanging out as you do your favorite activities — life with pets is never boring. But animals are also very loving and form special bonds with the humans they trust. The love you can share with an animal is unique, unconditional, and can brighten anyone’s day.That’s why we at Bright Side have compiled these photos of pet-human bonds that are sure to brighten your day (and make you want a pet as soon as possible).

Test: Prove You Have Amazing Powers of Observation by Finding the Odd One Out

There are people who have the ability to observe their surroundings in such detail that nothing goes unnoticed — they simply have a hawk’s eye. But there are also those who miss things, even if they are on the tip of their nose.

18 People Share Pictures of the Most Peculiar but Useful Objects They’ve Found

Nowadays, there are so many objects around that only a few manage to surprise us. But people online always share the ones that amaze them the most, either because they solve problems that are not so obvious or because they’ve found items that are so old, they’ve already been replaced by others that fulfill the same function.

20 Objects With a Very Peculiar Design That You’ll Need a Manual to Really Understand

A good photograph can depend on a lot of things: framing, lighting, composition, and many other details. However, there are other types of images that catch our attention for a very different reason: because they show us things we don’t usually see.

Signs Your Spouse Is Having a Midlife Crisis and What to Do to Help Them

Almost 25% of people experience a midlife crisis that is caused by aging, a lack of accomplishments in life, and problems or regrets about things from the past. People either have to accept it and move on with life or take some steps to make their expectations match reality.

22 Pets That Managed to Win Over Even the Harshest People

The saying goes that it’s better to never say “never.” And that was learned well by people who used to boast about not wanting animals near their homes but are now the number one fans of their pets. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t resist the unconditional affection of these little furry ones.

16 Stories About Children That Left Their Parents Perplexed

Children are often known for expressing everything they think “off the cuff.” With their fertile imagination and boundless sincerity, they often scare their parents by telling them strange stories that have no rational explanation.

10+ Side-by-Side Photos of Famous Parents and Their Children at the Same Age

Genetics is a fascinating science. For instance, there are traits that we can inherit only from our fathers, such as height, dimples, and fingerprints. However, what’s even more jaw-dropping is how many famous children fall heirs to their famous parents’ charisma, talent, and looks. Essentially, they are literally a chip off the old block.