
Showing posts from May, 2022

Keanu Reeves Came to Reddit So He Could Answer Fans’ Questions, and Now It Feels Like We Know Him Personally

Over 30 years ago, Keanu Reeves started making a name for himself, but that didn’t stop him from living a “normal” life. And even though, because of his random acts of kindness, he is one of the Internet’s favorite celebrities, he prefers to stay off the radar as much as possible.

Prince William Shares How Difficult Is to Become a Father After Losing Your Own Mom

The early loss of a parent is a traumatizing experience for any person, regardless of their age. However, experiencing trauma in childhood may affect your future relationships with your own kids, and the royal family is no exception. Prince William, a 39-year-old dad of 3 children — Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis — opens up about fatherhood and how it is affected by the loss of his mother.

17 Baffling Objects Whose Purpose Will Have You Exhaling in Despair

Before the internet came into our lives, people would look things up in encyclopedias or would simply ask one another. However, with the internet things became much easier, since you can search for anything. Not only that, but there are many online communities where people share their knowledge with us.

13 Celebrity Couples We Totally Forgot Played Couples On-Screen

According to the actress, Amanda Seyfried, falling in love on set is one of the easiest things in the world. Couples are put in a situation where they have to make out with each other and can get carried away easily. And there’s some truth to that because many love stories were born this way — while filming on set.

17 People Whose Day Held an Unexpected Surprise for Them

People upload pictures on social media every single day — sometimes multiple photos at a time. On Facebook alone, there are more than 300 million uploads every day. On Instagram, more than 40 billion pictures have been uploaded since the platform’s creation in 2010. So naturally, we get to see many things on social media that we would never see otherwise in our day-to-day lives.

15+ Photos That Will Make You Turn Your Phone Sideways

Pictures often hide extremely delicate details that not everyone sees at first. Only those who have a lot of exercise in image analysis can find these details. And these images never seem to stop, as people keep on taking pictures that never cease to amaze us. The pictures we chose today are no less than amazing.

10 Hot Releases by Amazon to Get Your Body in Shape With the Least Effort

There is the New Releases section on Amazon which is home to tons of fresh offers. We had a browse to see if there is something worth your money.

12 Stars Who Embraced Both Their Feminine and Masculine Side and Will Have You Look Twice

Actors in Shakespeare’s day would cross-dress as women in order to play female roles. Nowadays, many actors dress as a different gender to challenge themselves, shake up stereotypes, and stretch the minds of their audience. Though it’s not easy to transform from the feminine to the masculine side or vice versa and nail the role convincingly, these 12 stars were brave enough to do both. In fact, some of them even wound up winning prestigious awards for their efforts.

8 Body Features Only a Small Number of People in the World Have

Everyone has something about themselves that makes them special. Yet, deep down, we have many similarities that connect us together as a species. Humans are 99% identical at the genetic level due to our common ancestors and genome composition. Therefore, the 1% difference can lead to fantastic variation in appearance, ranging from having a flexible thumb to being ambidextrous.

10 Special Amazon Offers With Up to 82% Discounts for ASAP Gifts

How do you think what shoppers like more — to give gifts or to get them? Some surveys reveal that people would prefer to give than to get gifts. Maybe people mean to give gifts to themselves :) Whether you are choosing a gift for someone else or to pamper yourself with, it should be better to get an additional discount while shopping for a present. We at Bright Side gathered the most interesting gift ideas with high discounts. Hurry up to get them!

14 Home Office Thingies That Are Most Added to Amazon Wish Lists

Working remotely is a sure-fire way to cut some stress out of your life. However, it doesn’t matter where you work — in the office or at home — you can always brighten up the space around you with cool and useful accessories and feel far better looking at them.

How 10 Actors From Hocus Pocus Have Changed Since the Movie

Almost 30 years after the premiere of Hocus Pocus, Disney is releasing its sequel on September 30, 2022. The kids’ Halloween movie is making a comeback with Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy reprising their roles as the Sanderson sisters. So it’s only right to remember the ones who made the first movie so iconic, and see what they look like these days.

My Husband Asks Me to Make Dinner and Leaves to Eat at His Mom’s House

Sometimes when you get married, it’s hard to establish good and healthy relationships with your spouse’s relatives. In extreme cases, your mother-in-law can be jealous of you, especially if she raised her only son, and it can be hard for him to establish personal boundaries. Such situations are not rare, and today we want to discuss one of them.

10 Secret Tricks That Help Celebrities Look Stunning

A wide range of ultra-modern cosmetology procedures and the newest equipment are available for celebrities. But it doesn’t stop them from using simple beauty care methods like apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice in their beauty routines. Progress is a good thing, but proven methods from the past work well too.

15 Pregnant Celebrity Moms Who Glowed Like Stars

Pregnancy is by far one of the most beautiful experiences one could ever be a part of. Even though some women might feel less attractive during pregnancy due to the so-called pregnancy blues, it turns out it actually makes women more beautiful than ever.

9 Household Items That We Tend to Use Much Longer Than We Should

We might keep some household items longer than we should. Pillow cases and water filters can become a source of unpleasant consequences if you don’t replace them in a timely manner.

18 Celebrities Who Became More Charismatic With Every Wrinkle and Gray Hair

A survey has shown that 72% of women find men with graying hair more attractive. After all, gray hair — like wrinkles — is a sign of maturity and wisdom, which are no less desirable than youth. And today, more women, including Hollywood stars like Andie MacDowell and Jamie Lee Curtis, are choosing to flaunt their white manes instead of dying them, proving that there’s undeniable beauty in aging, especially when we decide to do it gracefully.

6 Ways to Keep Your Body in Shape While Pregnant

While gaining some weight during pregnancy is perfectly normal, there are easy ways to make sure you won’t gain too many pounds. And if you choose healthy foods and opt for light but regular workouts, you can even get in better shape while pregnant.

10 Important Things to Discuss With Your Parents Next Time You Talk to Them

Aging can be a sensitive topic that many people are reluctant to discuss, especially if it concerns our loved ones. But avoiding important topics can create problems that could have been easily avoided. Sometimes, even if we want to talk about the consequences of aging, we just don’t know where to start from. Everything can seem so intimidating and stressful, both for us and our senior loved ones.

15+ Photos That Scream, “Surprise, Surprise!”

There’s a thing that’s rarer than a shooting star or any metal or mineral on Earth. It’s so rare that even if you search the entire universe, you would find only an ounce of it — a chemical element known as astatine. Scientists say that its nickname should be “goodbye” because it disappears in 8 hours, and that’s why you probably are never able to find it.

17 Things From Amazon That Are the Perfect Gift for a Bookworm

Studies have shown that reading books for pleasure can promote better health and makes it easier for us to cope with difficult situations. Moreover, we also sleep better. Books have the ability to transport us to another universe, and 1 in 5 people reports feeling less lonely when reading.

9 Things That Have Changed a Lot Over the Years

A few months ago, a misleading picture showing ancient Egyptian dentistry went viral. Shortly after, the image was debunked, but it left a mark on us — so much so that it inspired us to go on a mission. We decided to take a closer look at how some of the things we are familiar with looked decades, centuries, or even millennia ago. Bright Side wants to showcase some pictures that prove, once again, that necessity is the mother of invention.

“I Watched ‘Devil Wears Prada’ About 75 Times,” John Krasinski Shares How He Fell for Emily Blunt

Many of us like good romance stories that have with a happy ending. That’s exactly what happened in the case of actors Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, who ended up caught in a love story that has lasted 12 years and counting. But little did they know it would all start when he was just a regular fan watching one of the world’s favorite movie.

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises

A study has found that some children can start appreciating humor at as early as at 1-month-old, and 50% of kids begin to make their own jokes around 11 months. And whether they are trying to make us deliberately laugh or not, we have to admit that children spread humor and love wherever they go. Because, as we watch them discover life with their curious and innocent minds, we realize how pure and genuine their souls really are.

20 Pics That Prove Unexpected Adventures May Be Waiting for You Just Around the Corner

It’s easy for people to get used to their surroundings, so much so that they may believe there is no room for surprise in life anymore. But actually, it’s exactly in those moments when your brain focuses on how strange regular life can be. And then, thanks to that reaction, you’re able to break from normality and find true beauty.

10 Facts That Will Test Your Biology Knowledge

Modern humans appeared 200,000 years ago, but we still don’t know everything there is to know about our world. But we can actually benefit from this situation. For example, after reading this article, you’ll have 10 interesting facts to impress your friends with and steal the show.

10 Clever Tricks That May Change Your Life as a Parent

Kids are curious, unique and can be hard work — and sometimes parenting can be tough. So any small ways that can make life easier are always welcome. And often, there are easy tips and tricks that you can do to transform a difficult situation into a fun, creative and safe one.We at Bright Side are sharing these tips because we know that as parents, hacks to make things easier for you and your kids can be life-savers.

Men Share 13 Things From Movies They Wish Women Would Stop Expecting Them to Do

It might seem like rom-coms are the epitome of true love that lasts forever. Yet, come to think of it, a lot of things we’re so used to seeing are actually either weird or creepy. To top it all off, being head over heels in love might already make your behavior awkward enough, so beware of what you watch.

15 Gold-Hearted People That Can Touch Our Soul With Their Selfless Acts

Thoughtful, unexpected deeds can brighten a person’s day, as well as our own. In fact, there are scientifically proven benefits to being kind. For instance, research indicates that kindness increases feelings of well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction for all age groups. So, we invite you to implement and engage in random acts of kindness. Meanwhile, enjoy these people’s descriptions of how strangers made their day.

9 Unknown Uses for Orange Peels in Everyday Life

Oranges are in the top 5 of the most sought out fruits in the US. Most people drink the juice and others eat oranges whole, but in both cases, nobody uses the peel, which usually ends up in the trash. But we have gathered some very helpful ways you can utilize orange peels in your daily life, since not everything deserves to end up in the garbage.

15 Wedding Products From Amazon That Can Turn Your Big Day Into a Fairy Tale

The most expensive wedding happened in 2004 and made it to the Guinness Book of Records. The sum is huge. It’s a mere $55 million (or over £28 million at that time). We can only imagine how much they had to spend on decor only. Thankfully, Amazon suggests cool decor that won’t drain your wallet.

8 Curious Ways to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations, Backed Up by Science

Stress can play a part in many health problems, including headaches, heart issues, and even diabetes, so it’s important that we try to reduce it as much as we can. Some techniques and exercises can help us achieve a more well-balanced, happier life and can also calm our anxious thoughts when nothing else seems to work.

5 Ways You Might Be Harming Your Hearing Without Even Noticing It

Hearing problems are very common and can affect people of all ages. When we’re listening to our favorite music on full volume through our headphones, we rarely think that it may lead to some pretty serious issues in the long run. Besides wearing your earbuds way too often, there are other less than healthy habits that might eventually damage our hearing health.

9 Times Royals Showed Their Witty Charms and Made Us Giggle

Mimicking is an important tool babies use to learn about the world around them. Scientists say they start imitating their parents shortly after they are born. Between 19 and 24 months, they copy pretty much everyone they see, even on TV. Children of the British royal family are no exception to this rule, and we can see their charming habits copied by other members of the royal family.

10 Celebrity Couples Who Make Us Believe in True Love in 2022

Love is a mysterious feeling, although there is a bunch of research about it. You may feel like there is an eclipse in your brain and total attachment to another person. Anyway, it’s a beautiful feeling that brings unforgettable moments into our lives.

15 Pictures That Will Make You Travel Through Time in a Split Second

You’ve probably wondered what it’s like to travel back in time, or wished you could see what the city you live in looked like decades ago. You may even be curious about what your childhood home looked like before you were born.

15+ Men Who Embrace Their Stunning Looks With Long Hair

Long hair in men is one of those hairstyles that never go out of fashion. In fact, long male hair in Ancient Greece symbolized power and wealth. Maintaining shiny, healthy hair has undoubtedly taken men a lot of time and energy throughout history. However, the result was worth the effort.

15 People Shared the Moment They Realized Their Partner Was “The One,” and Their Stories Are Soul-Stirring

According to a study, married people are more satisfied with their relationship and trusting of their partner than unmarried couples who only live together. And while finding the person you want to spend a lifetime with can be a tough journey, it is often one that’s worthwhile.

8 Trends That Can Do Harm More Than Good, and You Need to Stay Away From Them

Famous family recipes and old wives’ tales are passed along from generation to generation. Many of them were given to us by our grandmas, and to them by their grandmas, and so on. All in all, most of them were proven over time and are completely healthy and safe. Which we cannot say about many of today’s trends. They suddenly appear out of nowhere and are copied and applied without giving them any thought. When we really should be carefully examining them.

7 Habits of Indonesian Woman to Help You Slow Down Aging

Although Indonesian women have a lot of sun exposure on their skin, they still manage to look gorgeous. As many cultures do, they use their own national resources that are different from others. Some secrets are ancient but still effective and can bring great benefits to the whole body.

A Father Asks for Advice on How to Build a Strong Relationship With His Daughter

A lot goes into being a good father. Some psychologists believe that if a father ignores his daughter, she will spend her entire life trying to replace him. If the father is warm and nurturing, she will look for a partner equal to him. And if he thinks she’s worthy, beautiful, and feminine, she’ll be more likely to see herself that way too.

5 Personal Care Devices From Amazon That People Love for a Reason

Professional health care and beauty procedures can be very enjoyable, but visiting salons can take much time and money. Luckily, with the help of Amazon, spa and beauty salons can move right into your home, and for a reasonable price. From a kneading massager for pain and stress relief to a hard skin remover for a professional home pedicure, there are many devices that can help you enjoy your personal care routine any time you like.

14 Barbie Dolls That Were Inspired by Our Favorite Celebs

Barbie dolls are part of childhood memories for many of us, and with time, many more of them have been created beyond our imagination. From the dolls representing different professions to the ones modeled after famous people, manufacturers and designers make more and more beautiful dolls, and it looks like a Barbie can truly be anyone.

15 Super Deals From Amazon We Couldn’t Help but Share With You

A survey shared that more than 80% of shoppers hope to get a good deal or discount while searching for something. Yep, we know, they’re so attractive. That’s why Amazon never fails to update its list of super deals for every occasion in life.

7 Modern Things We Have Thanks to Ancient Times

Today we have many inventions that we can’t imagine living without. Most of those things are considered innovations of the modern age, but their origins can be traced back to our ancient ancestors. Some inventions from the ancient era were so controversial that they couldn’t be accepted because of the limitations of the time. However, over time they became a part of the everyday routine and shaped the world we know today.

14 Tips and Life Hacks That Everyone Should Know About

A few clever life hacks and shortcuts can make our everyday lives much easier, safer, and more enjoyable. But figuring all these tips and tricks out on our own isn’t always possible. Some imaginative people decided to post their findings and little tricks on the internet, once again proving the saying that “sharing is caring.”

20 Photos That’ll Make You Feel Like You’re Touching Time With Your Fingers

Your face ages faster than your feet, scientists claim. This fact is a curious part of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, and scientists claim that time passes faster if you’re just standing a few steps higher on a staircase. Today’s article can show you some other tricks that time can pull like a real wizard, and sometimes you’ll be faced with the illusion of feeling these effects yourself.

10 Witty Responses to Rude Comments That Can Make an Impression

Almost all of us have experienced rude remarks, backhanded compliments, offensive jokes, and even overt insults. These situations leave us feeling uncomfortable and wondering which response is right. The good news is there are many ways to stand up for yourself without coming off as offensive or aggressive, and without letting their words get under your skin.

20 Bosses That Deserve a One-Way Ticket to the Furthest Destination on Earth

If there’s a single beloved yet feared figure in the workplace, that’s the boss. When you start a new job, you may be lucky enough to have an excellent employer or unlucky enough to have one that seems straight out of a nightmare. If you are in the second group, you probably will identify with the people who posted pics that ended up on this list. They all shared moments when their fearless leaders made their life just a little harder.

18 Pics That Show the World Is Full of Special Things, and You Can Find Them Everywhere

No need to go to the other side of the world to find something special. You can discover things in places as simple as a public bathroom or an old attic. Life is full of cool events when we’re open to them. Just try to kick that stress aside and spend the day looking around.