
Showing posts from February, 2018

34 Annoying Things That Would Drive Anyone Mad

No matter how calm you are, there are some things in life that are incredibly maddening. How can you stay calm when duct paper sticks to your fingers, your sandwich falls apart, or you pencil breaks when you try to sharpen it? And these are just a few annoying things.

28 Inventions That Should Be on Every Street Corner

Even the most modern cities lack little things that could make life much easier. Like a button that keeps the green light on longer at a cross walk or markings on roads for ideal parking. After taking a look at the things on this list, you’ll definitely start hoping to see them wherever you go.

22 Photos That Will Make Even the Toughest Person Shed a Tear

Your life is full of moments, some joyful or sad, some simple or complicated. Today’s picture compilation captures moments of kindness, bravery and empathy that are sure to pull at your heart strings.

10 Unfortunate Mistakes That Almost All Travelers Make

If you are not a travel guru who travels professionally, it’s almost impossible to avoid mistakes during your trips. Here, we offer you a chance to learn from other people’s mistakes, so you don’t make your own.

Psychologists Point Out 11 Clothing Colors That Reveal Your Personality

According to the stylist and author of the book, Color Your Style by David Zyla, “Even if your wardrobe is filled with clothes of a variety of colors and shades, there is always the color that you give a greater preference to because you feel more comfortable and confident in it. It is the very color that reflects your character.”

10 Ways to Understand a Woman’s Personality Without Ever Having to Ask Her About It

Some people say that understanding the inner workings of a woman is “terra incognita”, otherwise known as unknown territory. Of course, women can be full of mystery and contradictions, but perhaps it wouldn’t be that way if a man were more attentive and observant of her needs and wants. Believe us, you don’t have to read minds like Mel Gibson did in the film, “What Women Want”. Understanding your partner just takes a little common sense.

9 People That Managed to Sell Complete Garbage for a Lot of Money

We’re pretty sure that 99% of people would consider a piece of glue that resembles a cartoon hero complete garbage. But somehow, the people below have managed to earn thousands (and sometimes millions) of dollars for the most random items.

24 Photos That Captured the Almost Perfect Crime

Authors and detectives alike have searched for years to find the perfect crime, but it seems to have remained as fruit of their fantasies thus far. Maybe these theorists should take a look at the pictures below and learn what a nearly-perfect crime really looks like.

Stylists Recommend 9 Rules to Keep Hair Clean and Voluminous Longer

The more often you wash your hair, the faster it becomes greasy. You can follow Kim Kardashian’s advice and wash your hair once every 5 days, “We start with a bouffant on the first day. On the second day, my stylist creates a kind of a careless hairstyle. On the third day, he straightens my hair. On the fourth day, my hair is pulled back in a ponytail and on the fifth day, I wash it.” But stylists have other tricks and secrets.

5 Unobvious Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Have you already tried all the existing diets including no-carb, fat-free, and low-protein ones? If you’ve followed a diet with no solid food or tried to count the calories of every meal and yet somehow all of your attempts to lose weight haven’t been successful by now, you may realize that something’s wrong with all of these techniques. In this article, we’ll explain what could be causing your weight loss plateau.

24 Hilarious Fails Captured at the Right Time

A picture says a thousand words — especially if it captures the perfect moment. These pictures below prove that it only takes a quick second to achieve epic fail status.

A British Painter Depicts Feelings That Anyone Who Has Ever Been in Love Will Understand

Omario Brunelleschi, a British painter living in Italy, has been sharing his illustrations depicting all the different stages of being in love on his social accounts for the last 2 years. What’s awesome about the artist’s work, are his accompanying stories about what inspired him to create the drawings. Whether or not his work is based on true events, there’s no question that his drawings have won the hearts of thousands of people.

18 Funny Cakes That Could Win a Prize for Most Failed Dessert

We need skills to cook well. And creating beautiful cakes is a special kind of talent that not everyone has. Let’s promise to let our cooking failures make us laugh, not cry. But be careful: there’s a chance that you won’t be able to stop laughing while reading this article.

7 Walking Quirks That Reveal Problems With Our Health

Our walk is a complicated process: each step involves our nervous system and skeletal system, and it’s so automatic, we even don’t notice it. There are superstitions that claim that one’s walk can reveal a lot of things about a person. There are 7 quirks that could indicate something more serious is going on, and they’re even confirmed by scientific research.

An Artist From Israel Shows What Life With Dogs Is Really Like

Illustrator Erez Zadok created a series of pictures with his pet Joya. In his comics, he shows what it looks like to be the proud owner of a dog and draws delightful and exciting moments of their everyday life. Erez warns, “Get ready because you’ll also want to have a dog after looking through these pictures.”

9 Myths That Don’t Let Us Understand What Schizophrenia Is

There’s not a single disease that’s as mysterious as schizophrenia. And unfortunately, it causes a lot of really wild misconceptions. With the following article, we’re going to help you find the truth. It’s an interesting disease and these misconceptions make the lives of the people who suffer from it, much harder. It gets in the way of them becoming socialized and causes them to be ashamed of their disease.

30 Designer Fails That Are Too Epic to Be Left Unnoticed

Everybody makes mistakes and that’s okay. But when designers or architects make them, they also create something that is incredibly funny.

20 Photos That Prove How Easy It Is to Screw Things Up

As Winston Churchill said, “Success is the ability to move from failure to failure not losing enthusiasm.”

10 Things That Happen When You Sit Down for 8 Hours Every Day

Whether it’s long workday in the office, an evening sitting in front of the TV or hours playing a computer game — it’s easy to find yourself sitting down for most of the day. While sitting down for copious hours at a time may not seem like a big deal, it’s actually a dangerous problem. Perhaps after reading this article you’ll try to get out of your chair more and strive to be a little more active every day.

How Different Characters of Our Favorite Film Franchises Look From the Beginning to End

Wow, time flies! After watching our favorite film franchises over the years, it’s easy to get used to the way the characters look from beginning to end (unless it has been actual decades between the different film installments). If you take time to compare how the characters look in the first and the last movie of a franchise, you’ll be quite surprised how much they’ve changed.

10 Photos Taken Only One Day Apart

Lots of things can happen within 24 hours — even the destruction of an entire city. Looking at these pictures, it’s hard to believe that such strong concrete streets and metal buildings could be washed away, smashed and crumbled in the blink of an eye.

20+ People Shared What They Found in Their Grandparents’ Attics. Are These Things Even From Our Planet?

Sorting out old stuff doesn’t always have to be boring. For example, George and Betty Davis were cleaning their attic and found a man-shaped figure which was created by Faberge and ordered by Nicholas II of Russia. Later, this figure was sold at an auction for $5.2 million. Of course, not every person’s attic hides some treasure but it is possible to find a lot of other things which may not be as expensive, but quite interesting!

12 Crazy Things Possible Only in Japan

There are some things in Japan that are really shocking. Before you go to Japan, make sure that you are not overweight, that you carry your trash with you, and remember that only some people are allowed to swim in pools.

24 Photos That Have to Be Explained Immediately

There are some things that need immediate explanation to help us figure out exactly what’s going on.

16 Hilarious Items You Can Actually Buy Online

Pretty much everything can be ordered online and delivered to our doorsteps. Already in 2012, at its peak, Amazon was selling 306 items per second. Some of these items are so hilarious that it is hard to imagine the person ordering them. Yet, judging by the ratings, these people exist.

9 Practical Pieces of Advice Heard From Millionaires Everyone Can Use

Becoming a millionaire is not just some unrealistic dream. The statistics show that more than half of millionaires are self-made. The lessons that we can gain from them can’t guarantee us a millionaire status, but it’s totally worth listening to.

10+ of the Weirdest Trends You’ll See Across the Internet

The internet is filled with thousands of short-lived trends, each seemingly crazier than the last. Like the glitter craze — anyone else think that’s the weirdest thing ever?

23 Hilarious Reactions to a Pregnancy Announcement Caught On Camera

The day you get to announce the pregnancy is always very special, and some people have found very funny and creative ways to deliver this awesome news to their loved ones.

25 Times Puns Were Created By Life Itself

Puns are an ancient practice. There is actual historical evidence of ancient people making puns centuries ago, all over the world. Based on this evidence, we’ve had more than enough time to develop our skills, but life itself is still the greatest prankster.

An Indian Illustrator Shows What It’s Like to Have a Girlfriend in His Awesome Illustrations

Indian illustrator Karan Gupta lives in Delhi with his girlfriend and creates wonderful illustrations showing different situations from their relationship. People enjoy the simplicity and humorous approach to his drawings, which many of us can relate to. According to Karan’s words “every day is an adventure when your partner is just as weird.”

10 Curious Psychological Games Our Mind Likes to Play With Us

We’re used to thinking we are masters of our own minds and bodies — after all, who else, if not us? However, our mind is an intricate and complex thing whose many secrets have yet to be discovered. And what’s more, it can manipulate us when we least expect it. For example, if we’re hesitant about starting a new and unfamiliar job, the good news is, this means we’re more likely to succeed.

19 People Whose Ideas Are Beyond Weird

The Internet is full of great ideas. Many people see something and think they can do better even though they have no idea what they’re doing. In the end, this results in some very funny “masterpieces” which are kind of bizarre.

10 Skincare Products That Remove Pigment Spots Like an Eraser

Skin can develop pigment spots thanks to many factors including ultraviolet rays, age-related changes, chronic kidney and liver diseases, acne after-effects, pregnancy, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis), vitamin imbalance, and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Unfortunately, skin informalities like pigment spots can oftentimes be unavoidable. But don’t fret because we have prepared a handful of great beauty recipes with foods you can find right in your very own kitchen.

10 Rules of Etiquette That Define What People Think of Us at First Glance

Many people think that following the rules of etiquette only applies to state officials and royalty. In her book Etiquette Today, Moira Redmond talks about how when meeting a new person, you automatically direct your attention to their manners. To find out exactly which manners people pay attention to the most, read below.

Here’s Queen Elizabeth’s Diet That Keeps Her in Majestic Health

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch of the UK, is turning 92 years old this year. While a lot has changed in the world during her reign, her food preferences have not changed much, according to her formal Royal Chef. Twice a week, the Queen receives a list of menu suggestions and she marks the suggestions she likes. What options are on this list?

26 People Who Should Not Have Had That Last Drink

People say that the sky is the limit for someone who’s drunk. However, we all know about the consequences of such careless bravery. On the other hand, drunk people may be even cooler in a certain way — as an infinite source of curious and funny situations.

5 Natural Ways to Unclog Different Types of Skin Pores

Enlarged pores often appear on the forehead, nose and chin. They spoil your appearance and can prompt you to apply a copious layer of powder and foundation. But it’s better to deal with this problem in other ways. The most common reason for their appearance is excessive activity in the sebaceous glands. With a fatty skin type, a large amount of sebum is released. As a result, the pores are enlarged. If we don’t pay attention to this problem in good time, we may get acne.

24 People Who Deserve a Prize for Their Creativity

Odd and eccentric people make this world brighter. For example, John Chapman, an American drifter who was known as Johnny Appleseed, wandered around the country for 40 years planting apple trees on 160 sq m of land. He wasn’t just throwing seeds on the ground — he took care of the trees. He wore a sack instead of a shirt and a cooking pot instead of a hat to cook food for himself. Over the course of time, he became a legendary character. Just as other characters from our collection, he wasn’t a fan of rules and expectations and wasn’t afraid to seem a bit ridiculous.

18 Struggles Husbands Go Through for Their Pregnant Wives

The journey through pregnacy can be hard for women. Their bodies are changing and their hormones are out of control. But we don’t really think about how many pregnant-wife-problems husbands face over the course of the pregnancy. They try to satisfy her food cravings and get used to her mood swings, all just to make her happy and help make the pregnancy experience really amazing.

6 Pictures That Can Make Your Brain Boil While You Look for the Differences

How attentive are you? How well do you notice details? Is one look enough for you to understand where the necessary object is? Look closely at the pictures. On every one of them, there is something that you can’t find at first glance. And the hardest ones are at the end of the article — especially for the most patient and attentive people.

A Street Artist From France Draws Things We Think About But Are Too Afraid to Discuss

A well-known artist from Toulouse known as Dran, creates paintings, illustrations and street graffiti based on the modern problems of our world. His works are easy to understand with little need for explanation. Using dark humor, Dran highlights the deep and sometimes upsetting things that happen around us every day.

7 Symptoms of Dangerous Diseases Ignored by Many Women

The diseases that women can experience can be sneaky — their symptoms are often hard to distinguish from the pain they get before a period. But you can get the upper hand if you visit a doctor as soon as you notice certain worrying signs which you should learn to recognize. For example, people who are diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage survive in more than 90% of cases.

18 Fathers Who Deserve a “Father of the Year” Award

It’s often said that whilst you always feel safe with mom, it’s very interesting to spend time with dad. Perhaps, it’s because many men remain children at heart throughout their lives, and so they like goofing around — just like the guys in this compilation.

23 Examples of Inventiveness Verging on Absurdity

“Apart from higher education, one should have at least average quick-wittedness.” It’s difficult to argue with this statement. People from this article are on a completely different level of creative thinking: they are real gurus of resourcefulness and inventiveness. It seems like we only have to step aside and gaze in awe.

20 Contractors That Should Have Been Fired Yesterday

We’re all guilty of twiddling our thumbs at work from time to time, but we usually don’t let our laziness affect our performance. In some cases, however, this lazy behavior becomes an everyday routine, leaving us wondering, “How lazy can a person get?” All we know, is that the people listed in this article deserve medals for their negligence and carelessness.

26 People Who’ve Had Enough

Have you ever had one of those days where it feels like everything is going wrong? Let’s see if your problems can hold a candle to some of these people’s catastrophic bad luck.

11 Tricks of the Psyche That Change the Way You See Yourself

There are many things in the world that we still have no idea about —that’s especially true when it comes to the human psyche. For example, did you know that it’s better to buy new shoes when in a bad mood? We have collected 11 paradoxes just like this one that may surprise you.

9 Facts About Animals No One Told Us During Biology Class

If biology teachers told their students about these animals and their crazy habits, no one would ever skip class again.

25 People Whose Sense of Humor Could Bring Them Millions

Scientists claim that people with a good sense of humor have a higher IQ. Even Albert Einstein said that he would not have such outstanding intellectual abilities without his sense of humor. Of course, ingenious jokes are a rare thing, and they’re not something people can come up with every day. Nevertheless, there are people who are able to respond brilliantly even to simple situations.

25 Photos Where There Are More Things Happening Than It Might Seem at First Glance

From time to time, each of us ends up taking unsuccessful photos, such as ones where we have half-closed eyes or a strange grimace. But even when we actually look great in the frame, there’s always the possibility that something strange and funny is happening in the background. And then the most trivial shot turns into a masterpiece.