
Showing posts from January, 2022

16 Photos That Prove Hair Was One of the Most Iconic Parts of Celebrities in the ’80s

The 1980s were a noteworthy time for hairstyles, as it was the decade of extravagance, and many celebrities were very well-known for their out-of-the-ordinary haircuts. While not everyone wishes to be remembered for their past looks, it’s a different story for people in the spotlight who set hair trends for the rest of us to replicate throughout time.

What 13 Stars, With the Longest Careers, Looked Like When They Were Young

In 2020, the estimated expected career duration for women was 33.2 years while for men it was 38 years. But, for some actors and actresses, 38 years doesn’t seem to be enough, and they decide to keep working for as long as they can stay relevant. And a few of them even kept their careers in bloom for more than 80 years.

15 Redditors Who Got Extremely Lucky in Thrift Stores

If you’re a fan of thrifting, you would probably agree that the success of any thrift hunt greatly depends on luck. If you get lucky, you can find a real treasure for almost nothing, or even for free. The heroes of our article managed to thrift silver, gold, pearls, and diamonds for cheap, and it looks like they have hit all possible shopping jackpots.

The Features That Make a Woman Look Younger, According to Scientists

In 2019, a total of 11.3 million cosmetic surgeries were done worldwide, proving that the desire to look younger and more attractive is shared by people around the globe. And it makes sense, as a youthful appearance can be a sign of good health and longevity. But thanks to science, there might be a way for women to take years off their faces without breaking the bank. And it just involves paying attention to certain physical features.

18 Useful Inventions Just Made Us Shout “I Need That!”

The most amazing inventions are generally simple, smart, surprising, timeless, and really appealing. The best part is they actually make a difference. Creative solutions can transform almost any item into something smart. And desirable.

7 Ways to Keep Your Face Slim and Toned at Home

You’ve heard of the adage of always putting your best foot forward. But before you rush for a pedicure, literally, why not put your best face forward instead? As we age, the sensitive skin on our face ages the fastest, as do the other unclothed, uncovered parts of our body, like the neck, decollete, and hands. One way to keep your face toned and youthful is by strengthening the muscles underneath and losing extra fat.

7 Places in Your Home That Are Surprisingly the Dirtiest, According to Experts

We commonly consider the bathroom to be the dirtiest room in the house. However, according to some studies, filth and dirt may hide in the most unexpected areas. If we aren’t careful about cleaning, some spots in our home may become breeding grounds for a variety of germs, bacteria, and fungi.

15+ Gifted People Who Made Themselves Some Stunning Clothes Out of Nothing

When the heroes of our article can’t find a piece of clothing they need in a shop, they make it themselves. And their talent goes far beyond sewing: they know how to make a fashion masterpiece practically out of nothing. Bed sheets, tablecloths, dinner napkins, and even sleeping bags — anything can become material for their stunning handmade designs.

15 Men Who Decided to Not Follow Stereotypes and Worked Hard on Their Look

There is an opinion that the modern beauty industry works exceptionally for women. However, stylish hairstyles, taking care of oneself, hair dying, and even manicures are now available for men. The representatives of the strong part of the planet now visit salons, pluck their brows, and take care of the way they look. The result often exceeds all expectations.

The Real Story Behind the NASA Female Mathematicians Portrayed in “Hidden Figures”

The movie, Hidden Figures, which was released in 2016, tells the story of 3 female mathematicians who were the talent and brains behind great achievements made by the US space program. The main characters, portrayed by actresses Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monáe, went a long way to prove that professionalism and striving for higher goals can overcome all possible barriers.

15 Special Things That Popped Up Out of the Blue

The human brain loves surprises more than it does things we enjoy but that are expected, says research. So it’s a good thing that every once in a while, we encounter or experience unexpected things that compel us to go grab a camera. As a result, the internet is now full of mind-blowing gems for us all to explore.

What Happens If You Stop Shaving Body Hair

When celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Bella Thorne, or Ashley Graham appear on the red carpet with visible body hair, people tend to react differently. While some think it’s inappropriate, others believe it’s time to break outdated beauty standards. And although what anyone decides to do with their body hair is entirely their choice, there are actually many science-backed health benefits of letting your body hair grow.

What Might Happen If You Stop Eating Bread Altogether

When you’re planning to start eating healthy, bread is often one of the first foods you want to exclude from your diet. But when it comes to carbs, grains are anything but all the same, and while giving up white bread might help you shed a few pounds, cutting out whole grain bread can actually deplete your body of much-needed nutrients.

10 Celebrities Who Spoke Out Against Plastic Surgery, and We All Applaud Their Honesty

Celebrities live under the constant pressure of having to always look perfect. And while many of them choose to go under the knife and try to hold on to their youth, some stars believe aging is natural, and instead of undergoing drastic procedures, they embrace their wrinkles.

15+ People Who Were Unexpectedly Showered With Luck

Frane Selak from Croatia is considered to be the luckiest person by many people. He’s been through a car crash, plane crash, and train crash, but still managed to survive. On the other hand, the fact that he was in those situations in the first place makes his title of the luckiest person a little questionable. There’s no such ambiguity for our heroes in today’s compilation — they just got little presents from life and shared the good news online.

7 Easy Ways to Make Your Legs Feel Lighter

After spending a long day sitting at the office or standing in high heels, you may feel that your legs are heavy and tired. This unpleasant sensation can cause lots of discomfort, but there are actually many things you can do at home to soothe it fast.

14 Touching Pics of Human Kindness That Will Lift Your Spirits

Even when life seems tough, there are some people we meet and stories we hear that make the world a happier place. From selfless deeds to acts of human kindness, they can bring a smile to your face.Today at Bright Side, we’ve collected 14 wonderful images of generous acts with uplifting stories behind them.

How 16 of Our Fave Male Celebs Would Look With Long, Luscious Locks

Loose, messy locks on men seem to be making a comeback, and we’re totally here for it. The man with the longest hair to date was recorded in India in the 1940s, with a jaw-dropping length of 26 feet (7.93 m). We wanted to run a fun experiment and see how some of our favorite celebs would look if they let their hair roam wild and free.

What 11 Movies Would Look Like If They Were Re-Filmed Today

When we are stressed or have problems in our life, re-watching our favorite movies can help tune those worries out. It can be relaxing knowing who the villain is or that the big romantic kiss is coming up, especially for people struggling with anxiety. But sometimes watching the same movie over and over again can start to bore us at some point, and a good plot twist would be if the characters in the movies aged as the years went by.

20 Tweets Showing That Kids Are Our Little Angels

Children are the angels of the earth. Their vivid imagination and unfiltered thoughts reflect the kindness of their heart and the purity of their soul. And sometimes a small unconscious act from them or a random word out of their tiny mouth can introduce one big ray of sunshine into an adult’s dull day.

10 Features of Canada That Make It a Country You’d Like to Relocate To

Even though Canada is the second-largest country in the world, it remains a mystery for many foreigners. A lot of people know some facts about maple syrup or that Canadians love hockey, but there are a lot more interesting things about this country you may not be privy to.

14 Cool Gadgets You Won’t Be Able to Choose From

Designers are like magicians of product creation that people fall in love with, and we can’t help but want to have them ourselves. Items that were created with some sprinkles of thoughtfulness and inventiveness not only steal our hearts but also raise our mood. And some researchers actually found out that things we buy not only serve a direct purpose but can also increase our well-being and happiness.

10 Animal Heroes Who Deserve a Special Place in Our Hearts

Some events in history would have a completely different outcome if it weren’t for our animal companions. While some of these animals became famous for their devotion and bravery, others served humans in less expected ways. From tiny horses to pigeons, all of these animals answered the call of duty by lending a helping paw, hoof, beak, and wing in difficult situations.

20 Pets That Deserve an “Oscar” for Their Emotional Range

Researchers believe that animals are capable of feeling emotions such as joy, fear, love, despair, and grief, and pet owners agree with this, 100%. Check out the looks and muzzle expressions of the characters in our article yourself, especially #19.

18 Pics That Prove Sometimes Our Eyes Play Tricks on Us

Oftentimes, our brain and eyes can play tricks on us — they can ignore some details or create associations with something we’ve seen before. And sometimes a perfectly-timed photo can make us see a masterpiece, like the pics from our article.

11 Movies Based on True Stories That Were Slightly Changed for Dramatic Purposes

Movies based on real events can be very interesting and bring us a little closer to the lives of people we admire or to historical events we want to know more about. However, we must keep in mind that sometimes fiction surpasses reality. In order to create more drama or to make the plot more entertaining, many times what happens in the film is far removed from what happened in real life.

15 People Who Chose Creativity Over Everything

Some folks don’t think twice when it comes to choosing a product for its peculiar looks. Others take matters into their own hands and create custom features that transform ordinary items into one-of-a-kind, like a handmade carpeted electric guitar. But we can’t blame them because truly eye-catching works come to life when we let our imagination run wild.

18 Photos Proving We’re Surrounded by Kindness, Even If We Can’t See It

Random acts of kindness, without expecting anything in return, can be a simple but very effective way of touching someone’s life. We never know what lives other people are living, and sometimes all they need is a small gesture to brighten their whole day. When the opportunity to help someone arises, a big-hearted step up without thinking twice to donate their kidney or offer some encouragement is always appreciated.

9 Simple Exercises Even Busy Moms Could Smash

Experts say that adults, on average, need 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week in order to stay healthy. You can divide this number between 5 days, like a workweek, and you will need to do 30 minutes of exercises each day to hit the recommended goal. But our lives can get so busy, we can’t find spare time for workouts, especially if we don’t enjoy them.

17 Photos That Can Deliver a Fountain of Smiles Today

A little smile goes a long way in brightening someone’s day and making us feel better and more positive. Whether it’s something we witnessed that uplifted our mood or an action that we did that made us happy, there is an opportunity to smile at every corner. However, catching it or letting it slip by is all up to us. All we have to do is accept the chance to smile whenever the universe is generous enough to offer it to us.

20 People Who Barely Recognize Themselves After Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle

First, there is a choice and then there is an action. This totally applies when talking about making the choice to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes you say “Ok, I will start my diet and start running next week,” but it’s always better to pull yourself together in the here and now.

An Artist Illustrates the Precious and Goofy Moments of Living With a Partner

Anyone who is living with their significant other has experienced exciting, fun, comforting, and sometimes annoying moments. And most of the time, nobody is better at handling our quirky habits and mood swings than our partner. Hong Kong artist Bonnie Pang perfectly sums it all up in a series of adorable comics titled, IT Guy and Art Girl, that she shares on social networks and her website.

16 People Who Were Lucky Enough to See the Hidden Side of Things

Some things seem so ordinary, yet, when we switch our perception just a little bit, it turns out they aren’t that boring after all. Every day is a discovery and small gems can be found in the least expected places. These users documented curious things, and we can’t help but wonder, “Why haven’t I realized that before?”

15 Celebrity Morning Routines That Are Good, Even for People Who Hate Mornings

Celebrities may often seem other-worldly, but some of their routines can get you thinking. Making some small changes to the way you wake up could make you feel more productive and revitalized when tackling the day.

20+ ​People Who Have a Solution for Every Problem

Solving problems and enigmas are the core of evolution. In one study, 94% of hiring managers said they considered creativity a key component when hiring a candidate. We don’t know about you, but for us, the following people surely deserve a big bonus for their visionary and unconventional approach to finding quick solutions in ordinary situations.

15+ Tender Pics That Can Fill Your Heart With Love

There’s a common psychological trick that can make you happier. It’s called “stopping to smell the roses.” With this trick, scientists advise us to stop hurrying and take the time to appreciate meaningful things and people in our life. And today’s article is meant to help you run away from your daily hustle and enjoy the vast spectrum of warm emotions.

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Eat Just Once a Day

Eating once in 24 hours sounds like mission impossible, yet lots of people practice it. OMAD (which stands for “one meal a day”) is a form of intermittent fasting that is believed to help you lose weight. Of course, not everyone pursues weight loss goals; some just want to be healthier or spend less money on food. Whichever group you relate to, we found some things that happen to many people after they change their diets drastically.

What 16 of the Most Famous Marvel Male Actors Would Look Like If They Were Female

We fall in love with actors because of their work on a specific movie or TV series. When it comes to Marvel’s movie actors, it’s also their good looks that are captivating. And, in a parallel universe, they could be just as captivating if they were born the opposite gender.

15 People Who Took Creativity to Such an Advanced Stage, We Almost Don’t Follow

There are no limits to creativity. But when we combine creativity and practicality, it makes exceptional gadgets and items too hard to ignore. These people made things at home and took their creativity to a whole other level.

20 Pics That Prove Beauty Is in the Little Things

We’re so busy hustling round and round that we simply forget some trivial pleasures. Like one’s home, little poems, solitary walks, cute handmade gifts, and amusing things seen and overheard. So we at Bright Side found people who seized the day and were able to find beauty even in the tiniest things.

7 Extreme Beauty Trends From Mayan Culture

Each culture has its own standards of beauty and it was around the 3rd century, in the heyday of the Mayan civilization, that many of the beauty procedures we know and love today were invented. The Mayans are not only remembered for human sacrifices, but also for their devotion to beauty, and although these practices may seem extreme at first glance, we share similar trends today — just adapted to new standards.

16 Thrift Store Finds That Prove You Shouldn’t Spend a Bunch of Money on the Interior of Your Dreams

Many people believe that high-quality furniture and interior items should be expensive. In reality, you can get nice things almost for nothing. Just be patient and diligently explore thrift stores.

15 Actors That Went Through Such Drastic Transformations for Their Roles That Even Their Parents Wouldn’t Recognize Them

Costumes, makeup, and computer graphics can sometimes do such wonders that we can’t even recognize the most famous actors until we read the credits. You can watch a film twice and not realize that you’ve seen Keanu Reeves, Vincent Cassel, or Stanley Tucci.

6 Unusual Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

The process of growing your hair can be challenging and even frustrating. It can seem like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not seeing much progress. Although there are many hair care products on the market that are said to increase your hair growth, there are actually some easy steps you can take to achieve long and luxurious locks.

An Employee From Disney Reveals Little-Known Facts About What Happens Inside Theme Parks

One of the most fun things about Disney movies is that you can also go to their theme parks, which are full of joy and fun. However, for everything we see to be possible, there must be many secrets that the public hardly ever gains access to. Emiliano Ochoa, through his social media account, told us about his experience after working there in 2018 and shows us how the magic happens.

20+ Photos That Are Funnier Than a Joke

Laugh, and the world laughs with you, they say. And many people find all those linguistic mouth-to-mouth ’’duels’’ the best way to make each other beam and giggle a lot when, sometimes, a single picture can say it all.

11 Good Movie Characters Who Are, at Times, More Revolting Than Dolores Umbridge

In movies, just like in literature, most characters are divided into good and bad. Usually, the good qualities of those in the “good” group are emphasized, and even if these characters do something bad, they always have strong reasons for it. Harry Potter’s temper, for example, is explained by the fact that he’s being hunted by an evil wizard, while the White Queen’s meanness is revealed only closer to the end.

18 People Shared Emotional Personal Stories With Completely Unexpected Endings

Most of us have probably had at least one of those special moments in our lives that have rendered us speechless and overwhelmed with emotion. Whether it was with our kids, parents, or loved ones, those memories tend to stay with us the longest.We at Bright Side found stories from people on the net that made our hearts melt and we want you to feel as warm as we did while reading them.

15 Pairs of Actors That Have Such Chemistry, They Starred in Several Projects Together

You could say some actors are just destined to work together. After all, casting directors hired them to be in the same movie or TV program multiple times, and their chemistry did not go unnoticed by fans either. When the 2 actors we know and love are working together again, you know it’s going to be a good show.

15 Pics That Can Warm Your Heart Better Than a Cup of Coffee

There are some days when we need extra warmth and a big hug to cope with all our struggles. Fortunately, we don’t have to go far to get that external motivation. Internet users share their best moments with people from all over the world, and it’s hard not to break into a smile.