
Showing posts from November, 2021

Challenge: Choose the Right Eye Color for 20 Well-Known Celebrities

Perhaps each of us has been in a situation where we had to prove to our loved ones and friends that we have a totally different eye color than they thought. After that, our confused friends and relatives ended up staring at our eyes for a long time wondering when our eyes turned green, while they used to be blue and convincing us that we must’ve been hiding behind colorful lenses.

Artist Depicts What the Unspoken Side of Love Looks Like When No One Is Looking

Being in a relationship might not always resemble a romance movie filmed in Hollywood. But if we truly love our partners, we learn to cherish even their flaws and imperfections. That’s why Amanda Oleander, a gifted artist from Los Angeles, decided to show the world that a healthy relationship can also have moments that are not picture perfect. In her delightful illustrations, Amanda depicts the many faces love can have.

23 Stunning Places That Turned Out to Be Metro Stations

Would you have ever thought that underground palaces, dance salons, immersive sci-fi sites, disco night moods, or museum-like structures, could be just one step into the earth away from you? It’s true. And for many of us, they are free to use on a daily basis. Metro stations might have the bad reputation of being dark, dirty, or loud, and maybe most of them are exactly that. But the exceptions can be breathtaking.

4 Tips to Help You Out if You Want to Change Something About Your Look

Changing the color of your hair, the shape of brows, or simply applying makeup in a different way — even the smallest changes can affect the way we look. And that means feeling differently too. Researchers have found that dyeing your hair, for example, can influence your self-image, bring psychological satisfaction, and even release stress.

23 Photos That Prove Anything Done With Love Cannot Go Wrong

Talking about love, people usually think of romance, but the research showed that non-romantic love can increase your happiness and satisfaction. From grandmothers baking cookies for their family to adults cherishing their animal friends, the best things in life are free.

15 Pics That Will Switch You Into “Oh, My Heart!” Mode at Once

We’re so lucky to live in a time where photography exists. Sometimes, the power of some photos is so strong that even the greatest storyteller alive couldn’t quite depict just how remarkable they are. An infant going into a fetal pose while napping, a 15-minute-old lamb taking its first steps with a smile on its face. Yep, we’re indeed privileged to enjoy the perks of photos.

15 Pleasing Pics That Shout Out the Word “Perfection”

Sometimes, we get to see some astonishing perspectives of nature and day-to-day objects. Shapes that line up impeccably, symmetrical flowers, and amazing gradients are just a few examples that can satisfy our need for perfectionism. We stumbled upon some of these things that are so perfectly lined up and organized, they will make you feel incredibly comfortable.

20 Pics That Can Be a Ray of Sunlight on the Gloomiest Day

Here and there, the universe likes to decorate our lives with sparks of magic and hope. This can happen when we witness someone do a good deed without expecting anything in return, or when we see unconditional love getting expressed by a sudden unexpected gesture. It can also be seen when animals spread joy around them, simply by being adorable. The world is full of moments that are made of warmth, we just need to notice them.

15+ Times One Element Made Things Way More Pleasant to Use

Companies often use some intricate marketing tricks to make us buy more, and one of them is creating the impression that this product has a limited number of copies. But some goods don’t need to be advertised in such a tricky way because they already have a useful “Easter egg” that makes us all say, “Shut up and take my money.”

15+ Pics That Looked Different Until We Zoomed-In

Every now and then, the Universe loves to remind us not to blindly trust our eyes. Whether it’s the result of an odd perspective, perfect timing, or just a coincidence, some things aren’t really what we think of them at first. When we take our time to inspect them closer, there are objects that would totally surprise us and remind us that small details can make a huge difference.

19 People That Really Shocked Others With Their Insolence

Many of us learned to behave when we were children. But the people of this article had to interact with someone that missed all of these classes.

12 Geographical Inaccuracies in Movies That We All Missed

To imagine that the legendary film Casablanca has a geographical inaccuracy in one of its scenes seems unusual. However, considering the era of the film, it is understandable. Now that we can use the internet and access so much information so quickly, you might be tempted to think that films are very accurate when it comes to history and geographical details. And you might just be surprised to know that’s not the case.

15+ Designs That Were Probably Meant for Aliens

Some designs are a little bit too outside the box for us common folk. They can be nightmare-inducing, like an animal plushie with realistic human teeth, and they even defy the laws of physics, like an upside-down house. But, the truth is, these eccentric creations never fail to capture the world’s attention and even the hearts of some people.

19 Celebration Cakes That Have a Whole Story Behind Them

There are people who think it’s easier to do something once instead of trying it many times. And sometimes they make cakes to express their feelings and ideas.

15 Tweets Proving You Need a Sense of Humor to Survive in a Marriage

The positive effects of marriage are twice as strong on people who marry their best friend, according to a study. But that doesn’t mean sharing a life with them is always easy. That’s why a sense of humor is key to getting past those daily obstacles that might otherwise put a dent in the relationship. And Twitter is full of folks with incredible comedic skills.

17 People Who Could Cope With Difficulties and Reached a Different Level of Life

Each and every person has something to be proud of. It could be buying your first house, completing a mortgage payment, or raising several kids. If you have some difficulties now, here is a sign that you can manage it and get a well-deserved award. Just keep going forward.

15 Times People Didn’t Quite Get What They Ordered

Sometimes fortune takes a break and everything goes to the dogs. Instead of jumping for joy after picking up your coveted parcel, you discover that your money went down the drain. Well, at least you might have some fun, just like these 15 users from Reddit.

15+ People Who Chose Family Over Everything

There’s an Indian family with a total of 181 members, and 89 of them are children of the same father. While our families may not be that huge and we’re not out there striving to beat Guinness World Records, we still have our significant others and our relatives at the top of our hearts and minds.

15 Pets Who Prove They Are Weird but Adorable Aliens

At times, pets can be so smart and human-like, we start to doubt whether they are actually animals. At the same time, they might do a totally crazy thing that leaves us speechless or makes us laugh ourselves into stitches. That’s when we suspect that our four-legged friends are not as simple as we think.

20 Pics That’ll Be Your Daily Dose of Joy

You can fake your smile to raise the feeling of joy in your body, scientists claim. But there are so many mood-boosters that can actually help you feel better and experience sincere emotions. One of them is thoughtfully taken photos where the photographer cared so much about not only conveying their own feelings but wanted to make people feel the whole spectrum of them too.

16 Riddles the Answers to Which Are So Simple, Any Child Can Crack Them

There has been a research project that showed how, in some cases, children can solve problems easier and faster than adults. And that happens because kids don’t draw examples from their experience in their effort to solve problems. That’s simply because they don’t have the kind of experiences that adults do. Instead, what they do is make unlikely hypotheses, simply following their instincts.

15 Photos That Quickly Fill Our Heart With Warmth

Some things have immense power over our emotions. An autistic boy cuddling his dad the same way for 19 years is a great example of that. When moments like these are captured by a camera lens, they speak directly to our heart. We can go from tearful to cheerful in a matter of seconds.

17 People Who Went Against the System and Made Us Stop in Our Tracks

All people tend to do certain things the same way, with a method that was shown to them by someone else. For example, most of us were taught to cut a watermelon by slicing it right in the middle and taking a nice piece out of it. However, this is not the universal way people choose to complete this task. Stay tuned and you’ll see many other surprising ways people chose to do things.

8 Historical Facts That Sound Too Strange, Yet They’re True

A lot in the world has changed with the recent technological and cultural progress. For that reason, looking back at history, you may find yourself a little confused and amused by the myths people believed in, the ways they coped without useful devices we have today, and the things that were around for longer than you originally thought.

11 Details on Everyday Things That Have Hidden Functions We Had No Idea About

We don’t pay a lot of attention to everyday things. What can be so interesting about a simple shirt or a pack of juice? But, as it turns out, some details in ordinary things can make their owners’ lives easier.

13 Pictures About Kids and Their Parents Who Don’t Worry About the Chaos Around Them

Marina Bystrova and her husband, Philip, are the parents of 2 naughty boys that inspire their mother to draw funny pictures. They talk all about parenthood, and you will definitely recognize the jokes and situations in these illustrations.

10 Things It’s Better Not to Save on, Even If You Have a Limited Budget

Frugality is a commendable character feature. However, sometimes we forget that saving on something is good only when it’s reasonable. This means that you should think a few steps ahead before making the final choice between something cheap and something expensive. That’s because there’s a chance you won’t gain anything, and your comfort level will decrease significantly.

15 Times People Saw Something Truly Stunning

Seeing a masterpiece can be a truly special experience. Whether they’re handmade or a gift from Mother Nature, some things reach the peak of beauty thanks to their flawless shape and balanced colors. From the details on a transparent butterfly to the wonderful rainbow colors on man-made marble, beauty is everywhere around us. We just have to look close enough to reward our eyes with a feast.

17 Cunning Tricks We See So Often That We Don’t Even Notice Anymore

We all know that nothing good can come for free. But it is hard to know if you paid too much for something. A Reddit user asked this question, “What scam is so normalized that people don’t even notice?” And many of their responses surprised us.

17 Lucky Girls Who Have Something to Tell Us About Their Jewelry

Most often, our rings and earrings are not just pieces of jewelry but items that hide a whole story. Some thoroughly choose the very bracelet that will reflect their individuality, while others inherit their valuables. And then there are those who make jewelry themselves. But no matter what, people are happy to boast about their new pieces.

20 Kids Who Know How to Entertain Their Parents

Just try to remember yourself when you were a kid. Yes, you also had tantrums for no reason and maybe you dyed your hair a brilliant green. Sometimes kids can make you so angry, but without them, life would be not as amusing.

Artist Uses Random Pictures of Pets and Makes Pure Art Out of Them

Art can be used for many things, and Alessia Ciullo decided to use it to make real-life pets into Disney characters! Alessia is a cartoonist and manga artist from Italy who creates adorable Disney pet characters out of random pets. We all know how cute animals are, and it’s hard to put their cuteness into words, so Alessia tries to show them in their true exquisite nature.

20 Women With Silver Hair That Decided to Not Care About Stereotypes and Just Be Themselves

This article is about regular women that started noticing grey hair. Even though there are many different coloring techniques today that can hide gray hair, these ladies decided that they want to look natural. Some of them are even happy they have grey hair and others needed years to accept this change.

Why Boys Close to Their Mothers Are Less Anxious and Have Healthier Lives

It’s widely believed that the nature of a boy’s relationship with his mother, more than any other, determines his personality. To make sure he’s capable of emotional intimacy, women often want to examine their man’s behavior toward his mother. There is no doubt that a boy who nurtures a close bond with his mother grows up to be a stable and confident man.

15+ People Share What Made Them Realize They’re Getting Old

It seems like yesterday we were going down slides and playing on the swings, but now we have to work and do all that grown-up stuff. In fact, we might already be turning into “that lady or man” without even realizing it.

15 People Who Put All of Their Heart and Soul Into Their Job

For some lucky few, work becomes more than just a way of earning bread or something that society tells us to do. Whether they’re volunteering or have the regular 9 to 5 schedule, for some people, work turns into a passion, and at times even a calling. These superheroes who view their duties as a sacred mission help to make the world a better place. But they also get to experience a daily dose of fulfillment that makes their lives much sweeter.

10 Pics That Prove Our Own Body Can Surprise Us More Than Any Wizard

Did you know that your blood vessels can circle the globe more than twice? The human body is a miracle indeed. Each of us has unique traits baked in our DNA, which makes us all special in our way. But there are some people who possess some physical attributes that render everybody speechless. For instance, we all have met someone who can do a jaw-dropping stretch or who has extraordinary rare genetics.

15+ Pets With Features That Made Them Look Special

Sometimes it seems that Mother Nature has downloaded the last version of Photoshop or something just to use all the possible palettes to paint our pets’ fur in new unbelievable colors. Or she decides to put all those signs and heart-shaped emojis on their skin and send us one single message: it was all done with love.

9 Times Asia Was Way Ahead of the Curve

Asia is home to nearly 60% of the Earth’s population. This continent is the birthplace to some of the world’s earliest civilizations, like Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilization as well as ground-breaking inventions such as gunpowder and paper-making. Even today, Asia never ceases to amaze us with its technological and social innovations which, to a Westerner, might seem like something out of a futuristic sci-fi film.

20 Pets That Could Set Up Their Own Runway and Steal the Show

Perhaps we can start another Furry Fashion Week today. And the imaginations of our beloved pet owners really never cease to surprise us. Squid Game cosplay, fancy getups and day-to-day outfits, and Hawaiian and Mexican-style shirts — there’s enough space for literally any cute idea here. And they all work for any of our 4-pawed friends.

18 Times a Heavy Cleaning Drastically Changed the Way Things Looked

According to a study, people with tidier houses are healthier and fitter. Some even start cleaning whenever they need to relieve stress or boost their mood. Whether we like doing it or not, cleaning is a necessary task that we all need to do. That’s because if an object stays without a good brush or wash for long, time will leave its mark to the point of completely transforming its appearance beyond recognition.

15 Famous Women Who Became Even More Drop-Dead Gorgeous After 50

There is a common belief that men look only better with age, while women’s beauty fades away with their youth. The women featured in this article prove that this statement is not true, as they became even prettier after they entered their 50s.

15+ Daring Outfits of Princess Diana’s That Turned Her Into a Royal Fashion Rebel

Members of the royal family need to follow hundreds of written and unwritten rules, and their fashion choices are no exception. Even in her early years as a royal, Diana pushed the envelope of royal fashion, which made her style daring and memorable. She would often choose outfits that seemed to be a bit too risky for her status, from bare shoulder gowns and bold colors to risky necklines and slip dresses.

We Imagined How the British Royals Would Look If They Were as Old as the Queen

At the age of 95, Her Majesty The Queen seems to have found the secret to a long life. She leads a healthy lifestyle, gets regular medical screenings, and tries to stay mentally sharp. And, if the other royals follow in the queen’s steps, they might also live as long.

10 Inventions That Are Made to Ease Women’s Lives in 2021

Things like the menstrual cycle, postpartum periods, and baby feeding aren’t easy to overcome without the right support. So it’s good that new inventions have appeared to make women feel more confident when they’re in vulnerable phases in life.

Why It’s Better to Change Clothes as Soon as You Get Home

When you finally come back home after a busy day at work, you’re often so exhausted you simply have no energy to change your clothes. You cook dinner, do the dishes, and put your kids to bed while wearing the same jeans and sweatshirt you put on in the morning. But it turns out, this habit isn’t that harmless after all, and eventually it may mess with your health and your looks.

What 11 Famous Movie Couples Look Like Now, Years After

When we think about David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston, it’s easy to assume this couple could exist off-screen. But they are not the only couple that stayed in our memories and hearts. In fact, some of them have reunited again after appearing in our favorite shows and movies.

10 Celebrities Who Said “I Do” After 40 and Proved There’s No Age Limit to Falling in Love

Finding your soulmate can happen at any age. And no one knows this better than these stars who didn’t meet the right person until later in life. While some of them never thought of being tied down, others just took their time finding their Mr. or Mrs. Right.

An Artist Makes Cakes That Look Like Embroidery and We Cannot Take Our Eyes Off Them

Who’d have ever thought cakes could be embroidered and edible at the same time. A skillful and incredibly patient confectioner from Connecticut creates masterpieces that are (almost) too perfect to eat. Lauren makes such thought-through cakes that you’ll start to doubt whether or not the ingredients are made of actual thread.

8 Tips to Reduce Black Circles and Tiredness Under the Eyes

If you thought that caffeine was an enemy when it came to your skin, we found some tips from dermatologists that may surprise you. A healthy body and look is about balanced consumption and care and professionals can help us to understand where the standard is.