
Showing posts from April, 2018

20 Hardcore Families Where Peace Is a Foreign Concept

University of Toronto once conducted research which concluded in finding that having older siblings makes us smarter. Well, here is a list of families who altogether will make you smarter, faster, stronger, and very vocal with your therapist.

15+ Marvelous Sights Where Art and Real Life Collide

John O’Donohue once said, “The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere — in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion, and in ourselves.” This is what you’re about to see in this list of photos taken by people who saw beauty all around them.

25 Hilarious Times People Made No Apologies

There’s a condition called OCD. People who have this condition often carry a perfectionist trait and like to do and check things repeatedly. Have you wondered ever if you have OCD or are a perfectionist?

15 Unique Phenomena Anyone Would Love to See at Least Once in Their Lifetime

Nature is full of surprises. Some are still unexplained and really weird (like raining animals — yes, you read that right!), and most of them not only have a clear scientific explanation but are also truly stunning to witness.

10 Exercises to Get Rid of Back and Armpit Fat in 20 Minutes

There is nothing more frustrating than putting on your Sunday best and noticing your back and armpit fat rolls poking out. As a rule, we neglect our backs and armpits during workouts as we focus on the parts of the body we see in the mirror more often like our abs, legs, and butt. Today we are going to draw your attention to some efficient chest and back workouts that will help you look your best in any dress you put on.

The 13-Day Astronaut’s Diet Can Help You Lose Weight and Eliminate Stomach Issues

The Astronaut’s Diet can help us to accelerate our metabolism and slim down. Don’t worry, there’s no need to go into space to follow this diet! Just follow these instructions and start feeling as light as you would in zero gravity!

16 Pieces of Furniture You Can Make Yourself

Building your own furniture can save you up to $5,000 on furnishing a house. But it’s not just about saving money. Planning and making your own furniture allows you to get the look you want, using the materials you’ve chosen, and totally control the quality of the outcome.

15 Times There Was a Major Flaw in the System

When life closes doors, it means you need to move forward by choosing another door. Who said that when life throws you struggles, you can’t laugh? Besides, failure is often a sign that you’re growing. Later, you’ll be able to laugh at it, and these pictures fully prove that sentiment.

20 Pictures That Can Annoy the Entire Internet

Not everyone can be flipped out by crookedly laid tiles on a sidewalk — most of us don’t even pay attention to things like this. But life is full of little annoyances, which can even get on the nerves of those who don’t consider themselves perfectionists. For example, when a girl sitting in front of you on a bus or plane flips her long hair back over her seat. Or when a package marked “fragile” is delivered in a crumpled box.

22 Animals That Seem to Be Extremely Happy

Did you know that smile therapy is not only a thing, but it also shows awesome results in real life? Well, these animals have mastered it!

14 Bizarre Cosmetic Procedures Celebrities Go Through to Look So Chic

Stars have always been role models. After all, on the screen they all look incredibly well-groomed. It seems that this can be achieved only with expensive cosmetics and constant complicated procedures. But it turns out that in order to look so amazing, celebrities choose methods which may even make you shiver.

20 Impossible Coincidences That Actually Happened

Do you think it’s possible to win the lottery 2 times in a row or get a model airplane that looks exactly like a real one and has the same tail number? You might say it’s not possible, but people from this article got surprised with the most unbelievable coincidences.

16 Once-In-A-Lifetime Finds That Came Out of Nowhere

Have you ever thought about discovering something priceless, strange or unexpected? Luckily, these days most of us have access to smartphones and the Internet, giving us a chance to see what some people have found totally out of blue.

13 English Idioms With Crazy Origins Most of Us Would Hardly Ever Guess

Even native English speakers don’t always know where some peculiar idioms of their mother tongue come from. But learning idioms and collocations isn’t just a useful thing for someone who wants to master a language — it can also be lots a fun!

10 Things That Show Your Relationship Can Last a Lifetime

At the beginning of any relationship, people tend to think that it’s going to last forever. Later, to our regret or happiness, real life puts everything in its place. However, there are universal ways to find out whether your relationship is going to be everlasting or not.

26 Rare Historical Photos Captured at the Perfect Time

Archived images are not just a bunch of old photos. They are quick flashes of the past and every single one of them shows an important event we ought to remember. You can see a lot of things in these snapshots like love in the middle of a war, peaceful children, and even a lama traveling in a taxi!

20+ Couples Who Are Kissing Boredom Goodbye

Les Dawson used to say, “Families are like fudge—mostly sweet, with a few nuts.” And do you know what happens when nuts come together?

20 Examples of Cosplay That Are Even Better Than the Original

In the past, cosplay was considered to be a funny thing that teenagers would do, but today, it has turned into a real art. Every year, thousands of fans come to different festivals like Comic-Con to show off their costumes. In this article, you will see the brightest and the most memorable examples of such costumes and shows. During these cosplay festivals, all kinds of funny things happen! Like the time when Justin Timberlake came to Comic-Con dressed as a character from Sesame Street and nobody even recognized him.

16 Reasons Why Holland Holds the Keys to the Future

Not only is The Netherlands the country of tulips and picturesque canals, but it’s also the territory of top-tier technology and innovative engineering.

5 Useful Elements Our Bodies Often Lack and How We Can Get Them

Due to the modern rhythm of life, stress, and unbalanced nutrition, we often feel the effects of a deficiency of vital microelements that we need for our bodies to effectively function. That’s why we’ve collected a list of vitamins that people often lack as well as a list of products that can restore them.

20 Types of Photos That Everyone Is Tired of Seeing in Their Instagram Feed

There’s little people won’t do to be trendy. Regular social network users post hundreds of millions of photos trying to get as many likes as possible. The majority of them are so typical and similar, that they already start getting annoying. Their quantities are so high that people working with statistics could probably make entire databases about them, and psychologists could trace common character traits.

20 Must-Visit Places Where Nature Went Crazy With Landscapes

If you think you’ve already seen everything and have visited all of the greatest places on our planet, we’ve got a surprise for you! Here’s a list of some unknown places you might have missed and should definitely put on your bucket list because they are even more charming than you can imagine. This article will help you explore the world and surprise people with your breathtaking stories.

20+ Animals Who’d Have Lifted Everyone’s Spirits on Noah’s Ark

Did you know that there were only 16,000 animals on Noah’s ark? There were air-breathing, land-dwelling, creeping, and winged animals, but you wouldn’t be able to find any sea or amphibious creatures aboard. However, we equally love all types of animals even when they look funny or ridiculous while caught at just the right moment.

7 Medical Tests Every Adult Should Get to Prevent Serious Diseases

No matter what your age is, it’s always necessary to make sure you are in good health. But it does take some effort to keep yourself healthy, and part of that effort is getting appropriate screening tests that are used to detect potential health problems while they’re still treatable. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly 26% of people in the US don’t have a regular source of healthcare.

Why You Have Cankles and 7 Tips to Help You Deal Fix Them

Merriam-Webster defines cankle as a wide or thick ankle that appears indistinguishable from the lower calf. But while many of us think of cankles as an unattractive feature, in reality, cankles can also be a symptom of serious health conditions.

22 Exciting Facts About the World for Those Who Are Hard to Surprise

A countless number of surprising events have occurred since the moment of the Big Bang almost 14 billion years ago. And life on earth has come a long way from its “primordial soup” days. We, as Homo Sapiens, have to constantly develop our brains and acquire new knowledge to keep up with the changing times.

10 Relatable Comics That Show How Hard Girls’ Lives Can Be in Spring

Spring is a time when nature wakes up from its winter sleep and brings us sunshine, good moods, and a renewed faith in humanity. Together with nature, the average female’s daily activities also begin to change. Women acquire a whole new list of things to do and problems to face during springtime.

5 Things That Prove We All Need Some Minimalism in Our Lives

We stuff ourselves with unnecessary information every day, but sometimes instead of pleasure, it only puts more stress on us. Having a minimalist lifestyle can help get your life in order and we’re excited to tell you how!

16 Green Design Ideas to Save Our Planet Before It’s Too Late

Scientists have proven that even an hour of interacting with nature improves our cognitive abilities by 20%. This is yet another reason in the long list of why we need more contact with nature. Thanks to numerous green design ideas we have more and more opportunities to be surrounded by nature, even if we live in a concrete jungle.

5 Things That Prove We All Need Some Minimalism in Our Lives

We stuff ourselves with unnecessary information every day, but sometimes instead of pleasure, it only puts more stress on us. Having a minimalist lifestyle can help get your life in order and we’re excited to tell you how!

19 Hair-Raising Photos That Can Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Do you believe in the supernatural? Have you ever encountered anything unexplainable and scary? If you are the one who likes this kind of thing, then this compilation of frightening photos from different internet users is specially for you.

15 Couples Who Don’t Care About Having a “Normal Relationship”

Most people dream about finding beautiful, sincere love full of romantic and happy moments. But some couples have their own idea of what a perfect relationship is. They arrange photoshoots in a supermarket, buy each other vegetables as presents, and even get strange tattoos. It may look a bit weird and hilarious to an outsider, but at least they look happy!

In Switzerland, Scientists Suggested a Way to Diagnose Early Signs of Dangerous Diseases

So many lives would have been saved if serious diseases had been found out about earlier. But soon, these kinds of discoveries will be possible! Scientists from Switzerland have discovered an easy and safe method to diagnose dangerous diseases so they can be treated before it’s too late.

20 People Who Cheered Everyone Up on the Subway

On the subway, you can meet just about anyone, from people in uniform and party costumes to bright and stylish characters. Each day they amuse, surprise, and even inspire us with their eccentric imagery. We’d like to show you some of the most unique people we could ever find on the subway.

28 Misleading Photos We Ought to Look at More Than Once

One of the most important things about a photograph is its use of angles. It can make a shot great or it can spoil it completely. Then there are the times when we capture weird angles, causing us to see something that is not even there.

A Scandinavian Diet That Is Considered to Be One of the Simplest Diets in the World

Suzy Wengel, a Danish dietitian, and CEO of a biotechnological company, came up with a diet that grew to be very popular and effective. Later, her dietary plan was even referred to as the simplest healthy eating plan in the world. The main principle of the diet is described in Wengel’s book, The Scandi Sense Diet.

10 Myths About the Americans That Were Busted After Living in the US for 4 years

My name is Karina. I was born in Saint Petersburg, was educated there and got married. Since 2014, I’ve been living in Seattle. My husband, a successful programmer, was transferred to the US. That’s how we ended up in the States. During my life here, I gave up a lot of stereotypes and prejudices regarding American people. To mention just one example, a lot of people in the US eat junk food and that’s why there are a lot of overweight people.

18 Illustrations Showing the Beauty of Falling in Love

Hyocheon Jeong, a Korean artist, creates adorable and meaningful artworks. This beautiful fine art will make you smile every time you look at it. Bright Side invites you to feel gentle vibes and sweet shivers on your skin and to fall in love again.

30+ Epic Sights Dripping With Misery

According to Leonard Levinson, “A pessimist only sees the dark side of the clouds and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all — he’s walking on them.” Have you ever tested what type of person you are?

7 Killer Ways to Lose Inches of Flab From All Over Your Body

People consider an hour at the gym the ultimate way to reduce body fat. The myth buster here is that even by spending few minutes doing some easy exercises, you may be able to achieve similar results. Also, watching your eating habits is really important.

Psychologists Say There Are 3 Stages of Boys’ Development Every Parent Should Know About

Parenting is not an easy game to play, and it’s definitely more than just caring about what your kid eats and wears. Girls and boys both have very specific developmental processes. But boys need more attention. Psychologists and developmental specialists distinguish 3 main stages of boys’ development, which are very important to consider when bringing up a child.

23 Unusual Designs That Can Break Any Creativity Record

Very often, people associate marketing with different rip-off techniques, but it’s not always true. Sincere companies and talented advertising professionals can create really cool and useful things when they put their minds together.

26 Differences Between the East and the West in Ironic Illustrations of a Chinese Artist

Siyu Cao is a graphic designer from Beijing. During the years of studying and working in the US, France, and Great Britain, she came to the conclusion that foreign people know very little about her country, and most of the things they know are based on stereotypes. Then, the girl decided to draw comics about Chinese culture. This is how the Tiny Eyes project was created.

21 People Who Have Hilarious Stories to Tell Their Grandchildren One Day

Sometimes we’re put in such funny and unbelievable situations that all we can utter to the people around us is, “You won’t believe what happened!” Don’t you think a story about a horse in a café or a calculator confused for a phone would become stories that you would be telling for your entire life? We think so.

9 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Workout and Don’t Drink Enough Water

Many people think that it’s bad to drink water during and right after a workout. But scientists and professional athletes think vice versa: you shouldn’t deprive your body of necessary moisture.

15 Not-So-Obvious Cleaning Tips to Start Doing ASAP

The question of how to make the process of cleaning easier, and most importantly, more effective has always been important and relevant. Fortunately, there are some little-known tricks you can do to make your clothes and other belongings stay fresher for longer.

5 Good Deeds That Can Turn Your Life into a Nightmare

Every person has been in a situation in their lives when they did something good for someone and got something in return that can’t be explained with words. We have analyzed stories from Internet users about situations where their good intentions led to something bad. From these, we’ve made five types of good deeds that people usually regret.

16 Stories That Can Be a Great Kick in the Pants for Those Who Are About to Give Up

All of us have moments in life when we have trouble getting through hard times and it seems that the entire world will come crashing down. In moments like this, stories about the strength of the human spirit are exactly what we need. We have found the most ordinary people who prove with their own examples that you can cope with any situation under any circumstances. The most important thing is believing in yourself.

Choose the Man You Like and Learn Something New About Your Personality

It often happens that some celebrities attract us more than others and we secretly harbor the desire of having someone like him as our soulmate. Knowing what characteristics define that celebrity might help us in determining what qualities we look for in our partners and might also help us understand something about our own personality.

What the Acne Map Is and How It Can Help You Get Rid of Health Problems

There are a lot of factors that can cause acne, and some of them are inside our bodies. Some western dermatologists think that acne in certain facial skin areas may be caused by a number of possible underlying reasons. For example, hormonal problems often lead to breakouts in the jaw and chin area. Recent studies also showed that gut health may be one of the reasons for acne.