
Showing posts from January, 2020

19 Photos That’ll Make You Wanna Hug Your Parents Right Away

In the whirl of today’s hectic life, we oftentimes forget to hug or even call our parents. That’s why seeing the rare joy in their eyes, getting a precious piece of advice from them, or even hearing their funny jokes makes us feel warm.

20+ Times That Expectations Were Not Even a Little Bit Worth It

Nobody is safe from broken hopes. But sometimes, we just need to vent our bad emotions and share them with other people. This is exactly what the people from this compilation did: epic online orders, bad service, and cooking “masterpieces.” When we looked at them, we realized that even though expectations don’t always match reality, it is still better to be prepared.

Tired Bumblebees Fall Asleep Inside Flowers: These Shots Will Show You What an Insect Siesta Looks Like

A bumblebee flaps their wings 200 times per second. In addition, it has an extremely fast metabolism, so it has to eat almost non-stop! It’s no wonder that after all this, it gets tired and falls asleep right on top of a fragrant flower. And honestly speaking, this might be one of the most charming things ever.

15 Dogs Who Tried to Be Good Boys All Year Round but It Didn’t Always Work

Every dog is traditionally believed to be a good one. Still, sometimes they can upset their owner or even get scolded. Would you be happy if your dog refused to fulfill its guardian functions, if it was tearing up your pillows, or if it just picked up unknown stuff on the street?

17 Things That Make Great Britain So Different From the Rest of the World

Great Britain is surrounded by many secrets and legends that can confuse, not only tourists, but the British people themselves. Do you know what characters Prince Harry and Prince William played in Star Wars? What is the connection between the British Queen and Dracula? Why are Britney Spears’ songs used by the military as an effective way to fight against pirates?

Internet Users Showed How Much Their Look Changed After They Fixed Just One Detail

At the end of the 90s, Cindy Crawford wore braces and even managed to take part in a Pepsi commercial with them. At the time, people were shocked. But now, braces are kind of trendy. However, even today, only the bravest people get braces because it takes years for their teeth to move to the right spots and positions. But all the challenges you go through turn out to be totally worth it when you see your Hollywood smile in the mirror.

15 Times Laziness Defeated Common Sense

There are people who are unable to do a job or a complete task because they say they are too tired to give their maximum effort. Luckily, those moments are often fun and good-humored. There are those who eat their food directly from a can or a box, in order to avoid making a mess and washing a dish. There are also those who will clean up only the space they need to use or those who, because of their laziness, prefer to not wrap a gift, reusing the wrapping of the actual product they’re gifting. These and other stories are found in a Reddit thread dedicated to these slackers.

12 Movie Improvisations That Deserve an Oscar

Both in the cinema world and in real life, things don’t always go as planned. But sometimes, these accidents are so lucky that they look as if they have been carefully planned. Most films only get better because of the actors’ improvisations. Can you imagine The Godfather scene without the cat on Don Corleone’s lap? It wasn’t in the script, just as the shawarma scene in The Avengers or the funny wife story in Good Will Hunting.

What Helicopter Parenting Is and How It Can Damage Your Kid’s Life

When their kid fights with another kid on the playground, the first thing they do is call the other kids’ mom. They are so focused on their kid’s achievements that they help their college-aged children to write their essays and do their projects. They are overprotective parents, hovering above their children like helicopters and controlling their every move, and there’s no way to hide from their watchful eye.

How Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Have Kept Their Spark Alive for Over 70 Years

In 2017, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. This date makes their marriage the longest royal marriage ever in history. Let’s find out together how the royal couple has managed to maintain their love and affection through all these years.

15 Photos About Married Life That Are Right on the Money

Marriage has a funny effect on people. On average, people tend to start gaining weight during their first year of marriage, and yet they somehow tend to gain weight slower than people who just live with each other. In other words, after the wedding, you win some and you lose some. People around the world are sharing photos that perfectly illustrate what life is like after the honeymoon is over.

17 Uber Drivers Who Deserve More Than 5 Stars

Sometimes an Uber ride is more than taking customers from Point A to Point B. Most of us have, at least once, experienced something funny, crazy, or bizarre during our Uber ride, which we often share with our friends, followers on social networks, etc. By the way, they aren’t always negative experiences.

Experts Say That Movies Like “The Notebook” Are Unhealthy for Your Relationship

The scene where Ryan Gosling’s and Rachel McAdams’s characters kiss in the rain is iconic. And that’s what a lot of people probably picture when they think about relationship goals. However, relationship experts say Allie and Noah’s love story is actually not a good example of what a normal couple should look like.

A Rescued Kitten Has Grown Up Under the Watchful Eye of a Superhero Protector

We all need friends. And little fluffy kittens are no exception, especially the orphaned ones. Kitty Koma was one of them. He was alone on the street with his eyes still unopened. Luckily, he was taken home and his owner immediately found a friend for him. It turned out to be the Japanese superhero, Ultraman, who protected the kitty in his first days.

15 People Who Tried to Keep a Secret, but the Truth Came Out Dramatically

Secrets are never long-lived, no matter how well you try to hide them. Snickers chocolates hidden in an innocent veggie package, a bunch of Oreos tucked away behind a book shelf, a cat’s secret stash, or even an impressive amount of money. There are so many unexpected places where you can hide someone’s precious things right inside your home!

A Twitter User Proves There Are 10 Types of Movie Posters. How Could We Not See This Before?

Movie posters often play the main role in making us want to watch a certain movie. In addition, it seems that there are as many posters as movies in this world, and that each of them is unique and unrepeatable. But what if we tell you this is wrong and that the number of movie poster types is actually limited, very limited.

20 Comics That Show What All Moms Have to Overcome

The birth and raising of a baby can be one of the best things a woman can go through. Although, as demanding as motherhood can sometimes be, having moments of distress, stress, and even depression are normal. The best thing is that you are not alone: an illustrator and mother decided to share her day-to-day life in a very interesting way.

Internet Users Talk About Their Bosses Whose Middle Names are Greed and Arrogance

Relationships between employers and employees are traditionally considered complicated. For some unknown reason, employers sincerely believe that employees are: obligated to work 24/7 for a tiny salary, work overtime without extra pay, do tasks that are outside of their actual duties, and generally be thankful for having a great opportunity to be working at “such a serious and respectable company.”

What 25 Animals Would Look Like if They Had a Cat’s Face

From time to time, we come across kittens with such adorable faces that it makes us wonder what they would look like on other animals. Have you ever thought about it? If you have, we’ll help you have a clearer vision of how a crocodile or a giraffe would look if they had a kitty’s face. And this is all thanks to the Russian Instagram account, Koty Vezde, which means, “Cats are everywhere” in English. They certainly are...

Research Suggests That Men Are More Satisfied by Bromances Than by Their Relationships

The bromance between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck was so well-known that it inspired an off-Broadway play called Matt and Ben. There’s even such a thing as Bromance Day, which is sometime in July or August! Even then, bromance is still more relevant than we might think, because a study found that men find more emotional satisfaction in their bromance than in their romantic relationships.

Why the Friends You Make at Work Mean So Much to You

Around 70% of working people say that having friends at work is an important factor to having a happy work life. This kind of friendship comes with a lot of perks inside and even outside your work place. If you think about past jobs you didn't like that much, the only thing you miss is the people you worked with.

3 Benefits That Listerine Foot Soaks Can Give You

Listerine was originally developed as a surgical antiseptic and has proven to be something of a “fix-all” over the years. If your feet are giving you troubles, there’s actually quite a bit a nice soak in a Listerine bath can do for you.

People Posted the Sweetest Stories They Shared With Their Dads

Fathers have a unique way of understanding life. Their wits combined with the deep love they feel for us as their children, grant us with moving scenes that we’re lucky to capture in photographs, at least sometimes. They’re experts in good humor, yet also in dedication and passion for life. They’re capeless superheroes.

What the “Spider-Man” Characters Look Like Today

It was back in 1970s when the world first saw the superhero, with spider-like abilities, on the screen. There’s a large, stellar cast of talented actors who’ve played this story for us through all these years, but some of them were so brilliant in their roles that we still associate them with this iconic story.

12 Comments From Children That Are Never at a Loss for Words

Have you noticed that some children are great at talking? Some of them say such amazing things that they make us want to follow them around with a notebook and a pencil to write down every word they say. It is not clear if this talent comes from not being tied by “adult patterns” or if it is because children have a better imagination. But the fact still stands: sometimes, children say things that make us roll on the floor laughing.

19 Things We Think Are the Same, but They’re Totally Different

Confusing bananas with plantains or a Golden Retriever with a Labrador may not seem like a big deal at first. But thinking that 2 things are similar, when they’re not, might cause some problems. For example, you’d be very disappointed if you are offered a macaron, but get a macaroon instead. Knowing the right meaning of things can not only simplify your life, but turn you into an expert who can easily win in any argument.

15+ Children Who Did Their Best to Push Their Parents’ Patience to the Limit

Children brighten anyone’s life... until their pranks exceed all expectations. Some children spill hard-to-clean drinks on the carpet, others scratch the car with keys to write “Love you, Dad,” and some can completely dismantle a smartphone. Parents have to deal with all this and more every time their little ones take advantage of their lack of attention, and they really let their imagination fly!

I Didn’t Need a Stylist to Look Slimmer, and Now I Dress Way Better

Not everyone is born with an innate sense of style and beauty. My name is Julia and I’m one of the people that lack this quality. Fortunately, nothing is impossible: anyone can learn to combine clothes so that they hide their flaws and highlight their advantages. The most important thing is to know the basic rules and follow them. I had never been able to style and match clothes so I’ve always worn boring outfits. But I finally got tired of it.

What Ableism Is and How the “Innocent” Things We Do Can Hurt Other People

This happens when you ask your friend, who’s on a strict diet, to have just a small bite of your delicious cake, because “what could happen?” Or when you park in a parking space that was meant for disabled people, “for just a minute.” Or, when you tell your friend, who’s suffering from depression, to cheer up because “it’s all in their head.” Whether you realize it or not, you are hurting the feelings of those people, diminishing their struggles, and ignoring their needs.

20 Rules From Kobe Bryant to Remind Us That We Should Celebrate Life

Kobe Bryant’s and Gianna’s sudden passing shook the entire world. Everyone is still in disbelief, and countless people are mourning over the loss of one of the greatest basketball players of all time and his daughter, and this made people remember just how fragile our lives are. But it also reminded people of Kobe’s everlasting accomplishments throughout his life, both in his career and his personal life.

17 Texts From Parents Who’ve Perfectly Mastered the Art of Sarcasm

Raising kids is a challenge that sooner or later starts to bring rewards. That’s why parents can oftentimes feel relief when they start talking to their kids as equals, playing jokes on them and being more open with them in general.

15 Parents That Deserve an Award for Their Great Sense of Humor

Sometimes, one of the most important things about maintaining healthy family relationships is having a great sense of humor. Sometimes, serious parents do something so funny that we don’t even know how to react. Some of them have created a house for a new vacuum cleaner, and some have even made dresses for their pets!

A New Fat-Burning Leg Workout That Can Help You Rejuvenate Your Body

Doing one exercise daily can be more useful than going to the gym once a week, according to the University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston. And we found the perfect exercise: it doesn`t require special equipment — just a bottle of water — and it only takes up to 15 minutes. You`ll be blown away by the results.

A Man Saves 3 Kitties Who Were Frozen to the Ground with Nothing but a Cup of Coffee

3 kittens were seen stuck and frozen into the ice, and lucky for them, a hero spotted the poor cats and saved them with some really quick thinking on his part.

People on Reddit Noticed How Adorable Tiny Cat Teeth Are, and Now We Can’t Get Enough

While there are lots of things we like about cats, this Reddit thread reminds us that we tend to forget about one teeny tiny detail. It’s their teeth. Sharp and teeny-weeny, fierce and playful — there are so many different kinds of them that we are in a rush to check which ones our own cats have.

20 Retro Photos of Animals That Behave Just Like Humans

This article is sponsored by Depositphotos.

What Your Facial Features Can Say About You, According to Science

There are some facts that say there is a connection between our facial features and our personality traits. If you have a small nose or a wide face, it is not just about genetics. It can also predict your behavior and reactions. Let’s check some of the interesting conclusions that were made by researchers.

People Who Often Get Flowers Tend to Be Happier and Smile More, According to a Study

Receiving flowers for Valentine’s Day is one of the gifts that women prefer the most, revealed a survey, and now we know the reason behind this. According to a study, getting flowers not only makes people happy, but it also reduces stress and depression.

Every Hour of Running Helps You Earn 7 Hours of Life, According to Science

The oldest marathon finisher, Fauja Singh, was 101 years old when he finished a 6.25-mile run in 1 hour and 32 minutes! Running doesn’t only help you lose unwanted weight and get you in better shape, but it can also add more years to your life. There are some people who love doing it, but even if you’re one of those who really, really doesn’t — you still should, because the benefits it carries are incredible.

A Reflexologist Shares a 2-Minute Foot Massage That Can Help You Sleep Like a Log

Symptoms of insomnia are found in 1/3 of the general population. And this can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to how you fall asleep and to try to establish a nighttime process. Many people resort to drugs for help, but we’d like to suggest another way to solve the problem.

13 Kids Whose Sudden Jokes Made Their Parents Turn Red in Public

Kids always have something to say, whether it’s asking a lady about the holes in her ears or talking to people sitting next to them on the metro. Kids’ sayings are often super quotable because they contain so much truth.

A $25 Trick That Can Help You Save More Than $1,000 in Just a Few Months

When it comes to saving money, there are plenty of simple plans where saving just a little bit at a time can help you save a fortune in the long run. In fact, with a starting amount of just $25, we’ve come across a plan that will help you earn thousands of dollars in barely a year!

9 Youthful Habits That’ll Only Bring You Trouble When You’re Older

When we’re 20, many of us are reckless and don’t care too much about our future. But our 20s are the time when the major patterns of behavior are formed. They determine how our lives will look like in 10 and 20 years. Some of these patterns may be harmful and we may even realize that, but it’s not that easy to ditch damaging habits.

8 Unexpected Mysteries Behind Art Masterpieces That Have Only Recently Been Solved

Almost every well-known piece of art has a mystery behind it, a unique story that we want to reveal. Even the masterpieces that everyone knows about have their own secrets. And we only know about the secret meaning of these paintings, thanks to technology.

5 Confusing Pains That You Might Mistake for a Toothache, but They Really Aren’t

We know that there can be many reasons for toothaches like cavities, sensitivity, pulpitis, etc. But it turns out that not all toothaches are related to dental issues. Other diseases can cause something called referred pain to appear in the teeth and might make you think you need to visit a dentist. But, unfortunately, this will not always help you. And now you will know why.

How Much You Pay for 11 Popular Products and What Their Real Cost Is

Sometimes the price we pay as customers for a product is ridiculously high, as much as 2,000% more than we should pay for a product, but we pay the price anyway. Design, marketing, and transportation can add up to the retail costs of a product, but some companies take advantage of our ignorance and charge us, either because we don’t know how cheap it is to make them or because we ignore the fair price.

Why Traveling on Your Birthday Makes You a Happier Person

Our birthday happens only once a year and we owe it to ourselves to celebrate it the best way possible. According to studies, traveling also makes us happier. In fact, multicultural experiences promote creativity and help us feel more vibrant. There is even a book on the subject titled, How to Get More Love, Money and Success by Traveling on Your Birthday!

5 Simple Secrets of a Clean Home From Professionals

All of us have this friend: every time you visit their place, they have everything sorted out perfectly, all the dishes are super clean, and there is no dust anywhere. We often think that you have to be talented to keep your home this clean, but it is not always like that.

18 Hilarious Coincidences That Couldn’t Have Been Scripted Any Better

Coincidences can be absolutely amazing. Some people see something mystical about them, whereas some think that they are totally accidental. No matter what we believe, we have all witnessed coincidences that seemed as if they had been totally planned by someone.

15 Dialogues Between Fathers and Kids That Couldn’t Be More Unpredictable

Both fathers and their kids know how to make jokes at the right moment (and sometimes at the worst moment), they are even able to not get embarrassed in the most awkward situations, and can somehow get out of any trouble they get into. Maybe that’s why their dialogues are usually filled with the unique humor, sarcasm, and creativity that internet users abundantly “Like” them for.